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Friday, March 13, 2020

They’re TRYING to spread it! Sacramento County announces ending all 14-day quarantines and releasing high-risk people into the general public

Now we know the anti-Trump liberals in America are literally trying to spread the virus and make the outbreak worse. Three days ago, Sacramento County announced it was ending all 14-day quarantines of high-risk people who had come into direct contact with coronavirus patients. This is being described by the county as a “shift from containment to mitigation,” meaning they are declaring there’s no longer any point in trying to contain the outbreak (even though they have only 10 confirmed cases in the entire county).

The policy is criminally insane. It flies in the face of every principle of infectious disease containment known to the modern world. This tactic from Sacramento County is ripped right out of the 17th century and smacks of deliberate sabotage to try to spread the virus and worsen the outbreak.

From the Sacramenty County press release:
Sacramento County announced today that it will shift its effort to community mitigation measures that will slow the spread of COVID-19 in the community, protect those who are most vulnerable to severe illness, and allow our health care system to prepare resources to take care of severely ill patients. These new measures will include cessation of 14-day quarantines.


  1. No need to worry.All of us will eventually need to develop an immunity anyway.The death toll worldwide wouldn't have hardly been any different if we had never been told about the virus.Panic weakens the immune system.As long as everyone believes there is gold in Ft Knox all will be fine.If they were told the truth they would panic.

  2. Let themselves take each other out.

  3. Please, California, break off and fall into the ocean!!

  4. It's truly amazing how easily manipulated by our corrupt politicians. They've proven that what they have reported up to this point are nothing but lies and deception yet we go full bore into panic and hysteria. Your socialist healthcare system will do minimal work to save the elderly victims. Political power and money is what this is about

  5. Democrats are spreading it !!!!

  6. Just put the military on the boader of California and not let anyone out.But let them in if they want. They have been wanting to become their own country. Now's the time to do it. With that said 1st thing is to kick Nancy P. Ass all the way to the California Border for if it's not a US Country so she can serve in Congress for the USA.


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