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Sunday, March 08, 2020

The search for a chief diversity officer continues

New leadership will soon be brought to the flock at Salisbury University. With the Office of Diversity and Inclusion now its own independent body under the president, the university is searching for its first full-time chief diversity officer to lead the office and SU’s renewed commitment to an all-inclusive campus experience.

The CDO will also hold the title of associate vice president for diversity and inclusion and be a member of the President’s Cabinet, reporting directly to SU President Charles Wight.

Wight’s original intention when he first arrived at SU in 2018 was to create a CDO position and to separate the Office of Diversity and Inclusion after the upcoming strategic plan was finalized. However, following the racist vandalism incidents of the fall semester, the administration deemed it was necessary to act immediately and expedite the search and move of the office.

The CDO search is currently underway and is being conducted by the university’s HR process.




    Why not hire that dude from Princess Anne? He already knows his way around.

  2. Will this person teach kids not to lose their sh*t when non-student morons wright racist grafiti on the walls to make the mayor and SU president go ape-sh*t over nothing????

  3. Sounds like pure BS to me

  4. Ridiculous... SU discrimination against white students is obvious

  5. Then maybe they should have faculty and guests who believe in this inclusiveness. Students don't seem to have a problem.

  6. Great , another one of them do nothing jobs at a 100 K !

  7. First and foremost on my agenda would be creating a truly safe campus, meaning arrest rapists and predators, race baiters, etc. across the board. The preferential treatment and pandering has to go! I guess I’m disqualified.

  8. New job for Day??? Mr. or Mrs.!!!

  9. How many “diversity employees” do they NEED?

    And specifically, exactly what do these people do, for eight hours every day, five days a week, that produces tangible, measurable results?

  10. I thought about applying but then I remembered I dislike most people.

  11. "The CDO search is currently underway and is being conducted by the university’s HR process."

    And people wonder why the cost of education is increasing faster than inflation. But it doesn't matter because the Democrats will make it free. Very soon the only jobs will be government jobs.

    1. HR policies don’t matter at that university, just ask some employees how that’s worked out for fair processes and practices

  12. Huge waste of the tax payers $. The position is racist against whites. Ironic that this must be enacted because a black man wrote anti black messages at the university !

    1. The perpetrator was probably planning to apply for the job himself, and figure he’d stir the pot to get it moving along.

      This is yet another reason these stupid “diversity officer” positions are bogus. They are always high paying, and have no real requirements other than being nonwhite.

      How about “Diversity Clerk” at $32,000 instead of “Diversity Officer” at $100,000+?

      Or do away with it entirely. Does UMES have a “Diversity Department” dedicated to attracting white students, and looking out for their best interests? Of course not.

  13. The biggest dummy will get this position. I don’t care how many degrees they have.

  14. SU has too many snowflakes.

  15. Snowflake town with a snowflake university wanting to hire a snowflake diversity officer. What a joke, plain and simple.

  16. in our modern culture, the focus on diversity can become its own god. Diversity itself is revered rather than the One who created that diversity. An emphasis on diversity tends to highlight our differences. God is more concerned with unity (Ephesians 4:3). Galatians 3:28 says, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” God is saying that our differences are not what should define the children of God. Those who belong to the Lord Jesus should first define themselves as God’s children. We must be willing to set diversity aside in favor of unity in spirit. Jesus’ passionate prayer in John 17shows that His desire for His disciples was that “they may be one as you and I are one” (verse 22).

  17. Can they find a minority transgender ( back and forth several times from man to woman would be a bonus) that hates white people, has a man bun and wears skinny jeans? That's the perfect candidate.

  18. Elizabeth Warren will be looking for work soon.

  19. The problem with Diversity and Inclusion is that the leftists force it!

    Provide them with equal opportunity - not equal outcome! Take away the quotas and let the best move forward! The previous president showed us what Affirmative Action can bring about from forcing diversity...the worst president this country has ever had! We almost continued the experiment with Hilliary - thank goodness for the majority of the physical country and the Electoral College!

    Look in any government office and you will see incompetence that has been placed through D&I quotas...remember that the placement denied an opportunity to a truly qualified individual that would actually do the work and not simply collect a paycheck!

  20. For fun, I filled out the application and referenced that as a white, conservative male I would be a common sense choice that would encourage students to join the military when they feel outraged over whatever their current 'woke' issue is.

  21. "Diversity" on college campuses is a smokescreen for lowering educational expectations.

  22. White students should sue

  23. Northwest Woodsman: No white candidates need apply.

  24. Maybe Liz has a new job coming with better pay.

  25. Anonymous said...


    Why not hire that dude from Princess Anne? He already knows his way around.

    March 4, 2020 at 6:18 PM

    Best comment!

  26. This position is being saved for a Democrat who will lose in the upcoming election. Jobs like this are saved and or created for them. Former gov. O'Malley is 'employed' at UMBC and we have the former mayor of OC at UMES. Both bringing over $155K a year.

  27. Ask ANY white NON TEACHING employee at SU how diverse the university is. They're ALL walking on eggshells

  28. Man off topic a bit I tried applying at the Post office in SALISBURY and from the looks of things today their not interested in hiring whites any longer either

  29. ANY white parents that continue to send their children to SU after ALL of this nonsense deserve whatever comes your way. Pull your kids out of school and let SU turn into another umes and Day finish turning Salisbury into another Baltimore

  30. What a freaking joke! What a waste of money hiring a diversity officer. LMAO.


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