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Sunday, March 22, 2020

The next outbreak? We’re not ready | Bill Gates


  1. So happy you are publishing today.
    Thank you

  2. This POS and Soros needs to be arrested.

  3. America needs to learn from this one > To Get & Be Ready in
    the future !!! Before the next one comes !!! It is called
    Emergency Planning !!!!

  4. its called DONT BE DEPENDENT ON OTHER COUNTRIES.... Stop politicians and businesses from selling out

  5. Do a google search and you will find that Gates owns the patent on the coranavirus {yes, a patent}, because he funded the research for it....and some other dreadful diseases, so I take it he's telling us another of his "patents" will be loosed soon...how disturbing. I guess those with all the money also want all the power. He's in that elite group that has big concerns about over population.

    1. This does not surprise me. There's obviously a lot more going on here than we know. We've been had.

  6. Bill Gates should & CAN afford to Give us ALL $2,000 , one
    in April & one in May 2020 !!! He waists enough on other
    Bullcrap all the time !!! Give Back to us / America who made
    him so Ritch !!!!

  7. Make he & Ophra Winfry & all the other Billionaires kick in
    $$$ to ALL Americans just like the Feds did !!!! They CAN
    afford to !!! They got Ritch off of us !!!

    1. Until you learn how to spell RICH you don't deserve a damn dime

  8. the vid on Apr 3, 2015, so it was a warning, or did he know it was coming.

  9. Maybe Gates owns stock in fast food. After all, it is essential. Who cares they don't take care of their employees as long as a sandwich is ready at each drive thru or inside a line of twenty deep. Only certain people should really stay home right?! Min. Wage kids don't matter.

  10. This jerk off absolutely has everything to do with what's going on today. New world orders way of thinning out the numbers

  11. For a man so rich and smart he sure is a Dumass isn't he??? We have not been ready for any of them. After all Obama waited 6 months and let 12,000 DIE before he even took any action. All of a sudden we have a real President and people want to persecute him and blame him for what China and the Top Democrats like him did getting this virus here. I do not want to hear anything this man has to say. Go talk to your buddy Soro's about it.

  12. Great, just what we need, more advice from Bill/Melinda Gates. These are the people who introduced Common Core to our education system so that they could have future workers. It will take generations to fix their screw ups.

  13. Not hearing anything out of Bloomberg, the other millionaire either. He should kick in some of his billions. Asshat is self quarantined in his palace wherever that is.

  14. Make Blunderberg Kick in a couple of Billion to America !!!!


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