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Friday, March 13, 2020

The City of Salisbury's COVID-19 Operations Plan


  1. The great government extortion is taking place now. Poor president Trump is being forced by all sides to declare a national emergency allocating 80 billion dollars that will NEVER get to it's designated areas. There will be nothing left when it gets down to imbiciles like Day

  2. Stock up on condoms !!!

  3. I say to you Jake Day, GO F*** YOURSELVES!! Day has stated to several that people like myself, the older retirement aged citizens don't fit into his(get this) vision and if we don't like it we can move. Now what is that for a mayor to say? You and I both know that Day truly doesn't care about anyone or anything except furthering political aspirations. Time and time again Jacob Randy Day has proven he's a politician first and husband, father, and concerned mayor for All comes second. Maryland and the progressive liberals have gone all in playing the race card and will use this virus to attack Trump and try to prevent his reelection

    1. Mayor Day is running the city the best he can, he cannot control the PEOPLE who work under him, for him, it's called free will...Mayor Day is not a puppet master and I seriously doubt he made any direct derogatory comments against the senior citizens in Salisbury, he's trying to please EVERYONE, I would like to see you or anyone else do his job for a day with ALL the trash talking going on in the city, which most of it is hearsay...from 11:39

  4. And Jake knows better and is still holding 3rd Friday?

    Gotta wonder what purpose that is serving.

    Is he kissin some downtown azz because of the construction chaos? Figures this makes up for the 2+ years of mistakes, delays and out right stupidity?

  5. Stock up on birth control pills !!!!

  6. still having a gay day parade?

  7. I’m in Italy and quarantined right now. Young and old literally dropping dead around me. The story of what’s headed your way is not being told.

  8. March 14, 2020 at 12:31 PM what flava koolaid you drinking. He has said on more than one occasion that everything he does is not for the seniors but for other age groups.

    Most of the trash talking is unfortunately true. All you have to do is scope out his crappy attitude to any citizen that challenges his stupidity on social media

    A lot of jobs are hard. Hell the clerk working at walmart taking crap all day from $shitty customers is just as hard only they dont get free healthcare, a car, a get out of DUI free card and living in a mini mansion their parents own.

    Sorry but I have no pity for Mayor Snake. He knew what he was getting into when he took the job. You stoopin him? Because you most certainly sound like a someone that is.

    1. @6:51, fruit punch from Aldi, yes the store where Mayor Day created more jobs in the city of Salisbury, the city where he's helping the homeless, created more community centers, working diligently on the opioid epidemic brought more music and arts for women,men, and children. He's a highly decorated soldier with the U.S.Army, have you served? I have in the Army. I think this man is doing everything he can to accomplish something for EVERY age group. From 11:39

  9. What do you mean 5:45pm,by "What is not being told to us?"


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