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Monday, March 09, 2020

Taxpayer-funded museum director resigns after hoping Republican voters die

The director of a Texas museum partially funded by taxpayers has resigned following backlash from a Facebook post where she called Republican voters “pieces of sh*t” and wished them dead.

“I hope every single one of you pieces of sh*t that votes Republican, dies today,” Melonnie Hicks, executive director of the Pioneer City County Museum in Sweetwater, Texas, wrote on Facebook on Super Tuesday, according to KTXS 12 News.

"It's regrettable and reprehensible, especially from someone who is a community leader," City Manager David Vela said in response to the Facebook post. "Those kind of comments should never be made on social media or anywhere else."



  1. Starting to see a pattern here? Haters gonna hate. Dems will be the party that lines you up on a wall because they dont like your politics religion or color

  2. Another female bites the dust . Females leaders of what "nothing", Oh yeh leader of the mouth .

  3. War on these morons. Euthanize them.
    Enough is enough.
    This kind of crap keeps getting worse because no one will punish these fools that cross the line repeatedly.


  4. Don't mess with Texas! Glad she's gone.

  5. Another black Democrat and a woman at that. They are the most hateful people in the world.

  6. Her wish will come true. All of us will die who vote for Donald Trump, but we'll do it AFTER WE VOTE!!


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