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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

'Shame on you': Republicans slam Pelosi economic aid package as a liberal wish list

Republicans erupted in anger and opposition Monday after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi released an economic relief package the GOP characterized as stuffed with liberal agenda items unrelated to the coronavirus crisis.

Pelosi, a California Democrat, unveiled the plan Monday afternoon, arguing it provides adequate help for workers and families hurt by the economic crisis brought on by the coronavirus. Moments earlier, Senate Democrats blocked a $2 trillion economic relief bill in an effort to win more concessions from the GOP. Pelosi hopes her bill’s provisions will be included in a final deal, she said.

“We give direct payments to families in a robust way and strengthen the child tax credit and the earned income tax credit,” Pelosi said, outlining part of the plan from a room within the Capitol. “We urge the Senate to move closer to the values" in the House bill, she said.



  1. I would like to know how long Speaker Pelosi has been working on this? It disgust me to see this woman walk around like she owns the U.S. It certainly has not been just a few days!!! Convince me this was not a plot planned by the Democratic Party. Does this look like the Democrats care about the people in this country????

  2. Pelosi is trying to give herself a raise during this emergency

  3. Vote out all democrats, they are the anti American party that has no place in society 💩

  4. Nancy n Chuck need to HANG.

  5. Maybe Nancy should worry about getting some teeth that fit.

  6. What a ass wipe she is , Im sure some one will run her out of office.

  7. Her package is almost Universal Basic Income...

    We remember when obama gave everything away! An entire culture went on welfare, food stamps and Section 8 housing - leaving work for laziness... The resulting lawlessness and incivility from that group continues to this day.

    Give it to the small and middle sized businesses with the requirement that it be used to pay for administrative leave while this crisis is still threatening our country - and the people have to come back to work after it is over...

  8. Up to their sneaky same ole shhht they pulled in their Obama
    era !!!

    Won't work this time !!! We have a Real POTUS now !!!!

  9. Term limits is the only answer.

    1. What is the question?

      Seriously, term limits are the only answer to what question? Are we playing Jeopardy here?

  10. Look,...we learned from the TARP 2008 Wall Street bail out ( I thought ) , we have seen how the bulk of the 2017 tax cut went straight to the corporations. Have we not LEARNED ANYTHING???
    The Senate Republicans in their closed sessions created a partisan bill and presented to the Democrats Saturday, yes , this past Saturday . This is the largest spending bill in the United States History!. Can you let bi-partisanship occur in a few short days???? I for one do not want Trump to be the one who decides who receives the half of a trillion dollar corporate bailout with out oversight,...do you ???.
    There were gaps in what was presented,...we, as Americans first, I know that this is hard for some to take, Democrats AND Republicans work thru this. We need unity. This bill started out in a very partisan manner unlike the 2 bills before it. Take a deep breath, it got completed ,...together, bipartisan. Is that not what we want?

  11. Watch out > Pelosi wants a New Private Jet !!!!

  12. 2 Term Limits 2020 !!! Don't forget that America !!! Get-er-Done !!!


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