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Saturday, March 21, 2020

Sending in the troops: More than 3,300 National Guard soldiers are deployed across 28 states

With tens of millions of Americans on lockdown and more expected, the United States military is likely to take on a greater role in helping to stop the spread of the coronavirus in the coming days and weeks.

The US Army Corps of Engineers is looking at converting more than 10,000 rooms in New York, potentially in hotels and college dorms, into medical care units to help address the fast-spreading coronavirus, the commanding general of the Army Corps said on Friday.

President Trump on Friday declared New York State a major disaster area as the number of confirmed coronavirus cases skyrockets and New York City was declared the epicenter of the US outbreak by Mayor Bill de Blasio.



  1. The numbers confirmed are so misleading. They are only the ones who are or have been tested..what about the homeless or the uninsured who are suffering but have notbeen tested? Since there are cases that carriers can be asymptomatic everyone should be tested. The President isnot takibg the advice of medical professionals and practicing social distancing.

    Rumor has it that the novel cororavirus has been in this country since as early as November 2019 being diagnosed as the flu. Main stream media is not giving the full truth. They are faking the numbers just like SPD and WCSO and the state police.

    1. You’re right my wife had it and so have I along with coworkers

  2. Good thing it’s not a sanctuary city for illegals who have zero shots or identification.

  3. 3300 across 28 states averages out to less than 120 per state, 95% of which will be in major metropolitan areas, where trouble is historically more likely to start.

  4. Not enough !!! You need that many just for Spring Breakers !!


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