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Sunday, March 08, 2020

SBYNews EXCLUSIVE: Mystery Salisbury University Graffiti Man To Be Charged

Get This! It turns out the mystery man who wrote racist graffiti at Salisbury University is allegedly the President of the Democrat Club in Princess Anne.

To top it off, his wife is a professor/teacher at SU. It is my understanding that he will in fact be charged by the States Attorneys Office very soon. 


  1. And all of the MSM news stations will NOT report this. Once again, it doesn't fit their narrative.
    Now, let me look up "how to get egg of your face" to share with the SU president and Salisbury mayor.

    1. The SU President isn’t to blame. He did what he had to do, to appease the natives and keep them from burning the school down.

      Jake Day said nothing wrong either, but he’s not going to acknowledge he was telling a sainted ~black person~ to get out. Nor will any of them condemn the racist creep’s actions in anything but the most tender of hushed tones.

    2. I will agree with you about the SU President, but Snake Day should have kept his mouth closed until he knew the facts. Jumping to the wrong conclusion is not a way to lead a city.
      He was not in the same situation as Dr. Wight. He just wanted to look like an important player and add that video to his highlight reel. Watch, if he runs for higher office (please, no), that will be used as an example of protecting a diverse and minority population. We know it was just another example of him not having a clue.

  2. Democrats are becoming very scary. There seems to be no limit to actions of hate.

  3. If he was white and his wife was a Republican, their names would already be in the New York Times and The Washington Post.
    The Daily Times wouldn't have a large enough font size in their emotional and breathless attack on "racist and bigoted Trump supporters".
    Their names would be shouted at every opportunity and they would be charged with "hate crimes" by the Gestapo.
    SU students would be crying and pleading for "justice" and would be marching in the streets protesting the racist hillbillies and telling everyone how afraid they are of even walking the street anymore.
    Day would post another blurb about how racist people can GET OUT!!

    Black person doing racist BS??

    Not a word.

    When there is no racial trouble brewing, we can always count on a black person to try to secretly stir some up.

    Keep cheering, you dummies.

    1. 7:36: Who the hell is cheering!?

    2. Its not all black people just like it's not all white people. We all bleed red. There's trouble in every color. As Americans we have to choose the greater good for all Americans! There are those who wish to devide and concur us!

    3. You're 100% correct.

  4. I guess the Daily Times and WBOC will do a full story on this local news.

    1. Not on members of their good ole boy club.

  5. Oh my god it couldn't get any stupider

  6. Another example of the Democrats motto: "by hook or crook"...

  7. I thought it was someone not affiliated with SU?

    1. Hey, good point. That was very misleading. Unless they didn’t know until recently? I imagine it would take three weeks of investigative work to make the connection. Geez.

  8. This actually smells like an ANTIFA stunt. Insight racial discord, fan the flames of hatred and sit back and watch the issue spread it’s abhorrent message, designed to further alienate relationships between black, white and Latino people. This, is a bonafide hate crime if there ever was one.

    1. Except there wasn't any fanning of flames or the slightest breeze. There's been crickets. And the majority have forgotten all about it, or believes that it was a horrible white racist in a white hood roaming the halls of SU like a ghost. It was stupid. So yes, possibly ANTIFA.

    2. FBI was calked in, NOTHING will be forgotten....ask Jussie Smollet about the slow turning wheels of justice...heh...

  9. This is my shocked face -.-

  10. Hate is an emotion

    It is not a crime and has never been a crime in any legitimate government in the world.

    1. But it is when it's against blacks. Just ask them.

    2. Excellent point
      It is an emotion, not a crime

      Graffiti is a crime
      Feeling hatred is not

  11. Can't locate any such club for Princess Anne or Somerset Cty. Here is a list of Democratic Clubs : https://mddems.org/your-party/party-organization/local-clubs/
    Not on Facebook either. Any ideas?

    1. http://www.townofprincessanne.org/business-civic.htm

      Seventh down on the right

    2. I found the following posts on the Maryland Democratic committee's Facebook page which showed all the new officers of the Somerset County Democratic committee as of July 2019.


  12. I heard Howard is doing everything in his power for him not to be charged.

  13. 8:02- Maybe you hate for the sake of it. Not everyone. Small minded perception.

  14. This will be national News if suspect is charged but I don’t see that happening. His wife must be embarrassed. Ridiculous, if this is true. Probably caused 200k in man power.

  15. Expect something like this:

    Graffiti Artist Named As New SU Dean Of Diversity.

  16. Recently the SA said her office did not charge. Was the responsibility of the police to charge and SA office only advised.

  17. Not surprised, typical democrat. What really disgust me more is the fact the SA flat out lied to everyone. How much crap has this pos covered up that we DONT know about?!?!! I vote " no confidence"
    This is nothing short of fraud and lying to those that trusted you.

  18. I'm sure the statute of limitations hasn't run out for the other SU drawing, charge those girls too!

  19. The low life democrat scum isnt really the problem tho. Its investigators and those like Jamie Dykes with their cover-ups and not properly punishing those that commit racial hate crimes. Dykes and those conspiring to cover this crime up are the real problem, im sure those influential sob's a su arent innocent either.

  20. 8:15am - perhaps

    UMES College Dems @UMESdemocrats
    College Democrats of America, University of Maryland Eastern Shore Chapter.
    Princess Anne, MD

  21. This race baiting b******t has to end!

  22. His wife knew about it and must be removed, my child should not have to endure this kind of racial hostility with the money I pay for tuition !!!

    1. 10:01 Amen! Now my son has 2 exams back to back On Thursday because they cancelled classes last Thursday for this bull$hit

  23. 10:01,
    how about the taxes you and I pay to support this university?

    Need racism for your displays of moral superiority?
    Blame a white, frame a white.

    I blame liberals, not blacks.

  24. The lack of transparency and prosecution in these hate crimes is alarming. Equal justice under the law, unless your a minority. This is outrageous!

    Salisbury University alumni

  25. Why no names or photos?

  26. Guarantee James Yamakawa is involved

    1. I know him. He is a man of principle and integrity. You don't have to agree with his views or his activisism. He would never ever do a thing like this. Not. Ever. And I would stake my life on that.

    2. True, we attended the same Church years ago and I would never believe he would ever be involved in such a thing.

  27. Thank you Joe. We can’t count on anyone else to dig out the truth.

  28. LOL. This couldn't be any more perfect.

    Joe, when this person is officially charged, you and we as a community need to make sure it reaches every national outlet it can.

  29. 9:05- What a moronic load of crap. No Sh!t it's not all black or white people! We would have one hell of a graffiti problem if that was the case. You're missing the real issue. There isn't enough racism for democrats to prove their point, that white people systemically keep minorities fearful because we are all evil and racist white nationals. Democrats can't find white racism anywhere, so they must create it! Sing Kumbaya all you want, you're just burying your head in the sand, and at the same time, blaming white people. Not all, just some, as you put it.

  30. UMES cancer infecting SU ... UMES has a 17 percent graduation rate and a 30 percent drop in admission. Now the students are coming to Salisbury to spread hate while his wife works there.

  31. Northwest Woodsman: Yet another example of the clash between two incompatible cultures artificially forced together to advance the stupid egalitarian/government multicultural farce. I suppose dilution of the white race through cross breeding will result in similar circumstances as when thoroughbred animals are bred with those of lesser quality the result is a downgrade compromise. I quit watching TV in 1993 and only occasionally see a few seconds of the propaganda and indoctrination media and am shocked to see the demographic distribution, especially the fake news media, that would have a visitor from outer space think the country is made up of 85% blacks. This is a total propaganda effort that our government has instituted to make it appear that we are one happy multicultural family and that we are virtually all the same with no physical or intellectual differences. If that is true, can someone please tell me how a forensic pathologist examine human skeletal remains and determine the race, sex, and other features without prior knowledge of the deceased? For over fifty years, we have been subjected to this happy talk about race and by now even the dullest of us realizes that integration of incompatible cultures will never work.

    1. Your comment sounds like you might want to cut the TV back on, you are out on a limb.

    2. You’re not incorrect

    3. My thoughts exactly.

    4. Ah the minds of inbred Darwinist’s

  32. Who is Sheriff Ronnie Howard? And why is he calling in favors ?

  33. State's Attorney? LOL!

    I'll have a disorderly conduct followed by a nolle prosequi to go, please.

  34. Salisbury University -office of the president- promised to update us and bring the "cowardly criminal or criminals to justice", the FBI was also brought in, so where is the info and why is it not released. We have a right to know what full caused this mess and what charges he should face. How much money was spent on this???

    1. Yeah, but here’s some good news from Salisbury University. SU is gearing up for their special production of The Vagina Monologues. The play claims to promote female empowerment and individuality. Children under 12 are free.

  35. FBI where is the update ?!??

  36. SBY News...

    PLEASE make sure this story does not go away and gets reported on the real (fake) news. I told my wife, who happens to work at the University, that the suspect was probably some idiot trying to create racial division seek opportunity to turn the debate into a political stunt. Needless to say, she gave me an earful. (idiot race-baiting objective achieved)

  37. They have to keep the racist hoax alive. You can’t be a victim if you don’t have racism. Obviously this person had to create some.

  38. It was his wife last time

  39. Not all blacks are racist troublemakers. Let’s not assume they are all bad, because they aren’t.

    1. Same goes for whites! But hell, that must be my non-existent "white privilege" talking!

    2. Agreed. But everyone from the SU President's office, Jake Day’s office, the SU Black Student Union and the majority of SU faculty and student were convinced, and wanted, this would he a white person.

    3. Yes, they did. Because how do you continue the chorus of perpetual victimhood, and reap the sweet, sweet benefits. If you yourself are the real problem?

    4. 4:58 You nailed it!

  40. I am just going to sit back and watch this city self-implode. Most of us, especially Joe, new this corruption was going on. Just remember, corruption starts at the top. It always has.
    Vote for Jake!

  41. Corneilius Chap Scott

    1. Is that the alleged individual?

    2. I think the individual might have a Dr. prior to his name.

    3. Nope!

      He has a PhD after his name

  42. The following is very interesting. At this moment, going on at SU, the University is inviting the public to attend open interviews to fill the positions of Salisbury University’s associate vice president for diversity and inclusion and chief diversity officer position. Each candidate will be asked to give a presentation on what specific strategies they would take in light of recent acts of racism and acts of hate on campus. BHAA HAAA HAAA HAAA. Oh, that’s funny. Read below.

    SALISBURY, MD---The community is invited to attend the following open interview sessions for candidates for Salisbury University’s associate vice president for diversity and inclusion and chief diversity officer position:

    Monday, March 2 – Dr. Joshua Segui

    Wednesday, March 4 – Dr. Rhonda Brown

    Monday, March 9 – Joan Williams

    Wednesday, March 11 – Christopher Hunt

    All open sessions are scheduled at 3 p.m. in Conway Hall Room 153.

    Each candidate has been asked to give a presentation in response to the question, "Given the acts of racist and sexist hate at SU in fall 2019 and into the present, what specific strategies would you employ, as chief diversity officer, to improve the campus climate now and in the long term?"

    A question-and-answer session will follow. Curriculum vitae for each candidate may be viewed at the Patricia R. Guerrieri Academic Commons.

    Those coming from off campus are required to display a visitor parking pass, which may be requested from the Parking Services website. Visitors are encouraged to park in Camden Lot F (adjacent to Blackwell Hall).

    For more information visit the SU website.

    1. “What strategies” in the aftermath of this latest fake hate crime?

      Nobody will answer that one honestly.

  43. Here’s the problem- equal justice under the law has not been maintained. By not charging the first case with the female SU student, the scales of Lady Justice are left askew. Built in defense.

    1. It’s happened 3 times I know of

  44. If this is accurate, it really does need to be national news. This garbage has got to stop

  45. So will they continue with this job search after knowing the whole thing is fake. I am sure the salary will be high for this made up position.

  46. If it happens on Salisbury I'm wondering how often it happens all across America and it gets downplayed.Wake up people if this isn't prosecuted it gonna keep on.

  47. When his identity, race and motivation of the alleged individual are made public, will the SU Administration issue an apology to the white students at SU for the Administration’s hurtful accusations of racism and intolerance by white students at the school and also issue a refund to all students and parents for closing the school and losing a day of class based upon a hoax?

  48. Jake Day is also not getting rid of his police chief, liberals don't believe in accountability

  49. Everything the SU Administration is doing is based on a hoax meant to sow problems when there were not any. I wonder what they are going to do now? Talk about jumping the gun.

  50. For the school to “heal,” there must be an apology to those accused of racism, the non-minority students. Administration officials that closed the school should face suspensions by the school for their action taken closing the school before all the facts were known. Does this not show their inherent racism?

    1. 2:32 I agree 100%. Instead they are advertising for a Vice President Of their Diversity and Inclusive Department🙄 Their racism is glaringly obvious to everyone but Pres Wright. He owes SU and the community an apology. Along with Mayor Day.

    2. I am advising friends with white students to avoid applying to SU based on the racism of the administration continues to show towards non black students. Why is there a separate Black homecoming king and queen along with a homecoming king and queen open to all? Why are the Black fraternities and sororities not part of the IFC and Panhellenic council that govern those open to all races? Why a separate Black Student Union? Can I as a white person graffiti campus with remarks trashing honkies and crackers without any threat of arrest or reprisal? Come on Chuck

  51. Still crickets...nothing...

  52. Where are we with this?

  53. Chicken Chit Charges going in at 5:59pm? It is Friday. Where is MSNBC? Where is the the Reverand? I'm not seeing any CNN trucks. BLM?

  54. This story should hit the national news and let the blame fall wherever and on whomever is involved. It is this kind of thing that our city, state, and Hogan need to realize first hand how bad things in Salisbury really are. Instead of all the foolish attention our Mayor gets something has got to wake him up or impeach him.

  55. We can’t let this story die. This black eye for Salisbury was completely unnecessary and 100% caused by liberals.

  56. This seems to be traced back to Jake Days lynch mob committee

  57. How many times will this happen before no one believes cries of racism...crying wolf.
    I think it is pitiful, criminal and stupid to do, but a complement to America.
    We are so racist that "victims" have to outsource assaults to Africans and scratch their own racist graffiti. Good job America! Don't let the domestic terrorists win.

  58. Has he considered running for mayor in Baltimore?

  59. Northwest Woodsman: I started my freshman year at Salisbury in 1960 and was there for two years. We never had any problems or issues regarding race or anything else for that matter. Of course, at that time there were no blacks in attendance. They had their own college in Princess Ann and there was no interaction between us. Unfortunately, government got involved and thought they could blend us together into one big, happy, multicultural family. Fifty years later look where that has gotten us. We now have a clash of two distinct and incompatible cultures with no solution in sight. There is no plan to resolve it just as there was no plan to win the Vietnam war.

  60. Must be truth to this because media, mayor and SU have gone from domestic terror to complete silence like it never happened.

  61. Crickets from Ben Rayne, Jeff McCoy and Yamakawa.
    Who is the racist now?

  62. I really don't care the race, gender, religious or political beliefs of whoever did this. Bottom line is that something of this nature that causes a college to be closed and students having someone walk with them because they are fearful needs to be addressed: The guilty person needs to be made known, held accountable, and atone for his/her actions, whether by legal punishment, or public accountability and apology. Sweeping it under the rug only serves to create additional suspicion and animosity. Rip the bandaid off and let the chips fall as they may. People have a right to know the truth and the accused should want to have the right to defend the accusations.

  63. crickets from all the local race-baiters. This falls on the race-baiter boi mare, he and his merry band of race-baiters. He needs to be removed and banned from ever being in any elected job.

  64. Trying their hardest to ignore the situation and praying we all forget about it. Andy Harris and Marybeth corroza won't even return my calls

  65. White students need to boycott classes until a safe environment is established

    1. And because they're not part of the class that can claim racism, they'll fail and lose all the money they spent in the semester.

  66. Did they name the black person who did this yet 😂 ?

  67. Where is the SU Republican Club? Why aren’t they organizing protests and calling on the university to provide a statement apologizing to white students? This was perpetrated by an African American who is President of the Democratic Club in Princess Anne. I know FOR A FACT that SU has an active Republican Club. NOW is the time for them to step up and demand action on the part of SU. For them to do EXACTLY what the Democratic Club would do if a white person had perpetrated this CRIME!! Come on SU Republican Club, call for white students to refuse to attend classes, to march on the University and have a “sit down” in a public area on campus. Draw attention to this situation. This is the second time the school, the SU Democratic Club and the NAACP have falsely targeted white students. If you don’t step up and apply pressure, it will happen again. The community is watching and waiting. Do what the SU a Republican Club is supposed to do. Be active.

    1. No, because being Republican doesn’t mean being white. We don’t resort to identity politics.

      EVERYONE with any moral decency should be demanding this ignorant, racist individual be exposed and take full consequences.

  68. It becomes very obvious that racists come in all sizes, shapes and colors. If the allegations are true, the sick twisted behavior of this individual is reprehensible and should be dealt with the utmost severity. The repercussions that have already negatively impacted the University, the students and our community are immense. It Will be interesting to see if our law enforcement and justice system have the integrity to deal objectively and fairly with the criminal, hateful and racists acts committed.

    1. It’s the third time by a black person at SU and nothing is ever done so we can only surmise that SU is tolerable of these actions which promotes it

  69. The Republican Club has better things to do than to be sucked into a mess it didn't start and can't fix. They are doing the smart thing not to get baited into this trap set by a misguided Liberal (and his cronies.)

  70. Dear Salisbury University, I'm now down to my final 1% confidence that you will be equal. It is becoming blaringly obvious that these race-baiting episodes will continue to be swept under the rug until a white person will be actually responsible for one of these acts. It's really shameful how this is being so obviously not handled

  71. Anybody know of an inexpensive acre or two in Delaware?

  72. Sharon E Walton said...
    I know him. He is a man of principle and integrity. You don't have to agree with his views or his activisism. He would never ever do a thing like this. Not. Ever. And I would stake my life on that.

    Blogger anonymous said...
    True, we attended the same Church years ago and I would never believe he would ever be involved in such a thing.

    March 9, 2020 at 7:39 AM

    Guess you did't know them like you thought you did. There are a lot of wolves running around in sheep's clothes.

    1. I stand by what I said about Mr.Yamakawa.

  73. My SU student had a semester disrupted with DIVERSITY response and speakers. Weary of the BS. Jussie Smollet and this man both Need to pay for their hate HOAXES! Enough.

  74. Is it possible to get a copy of the police report? From Salisbury or the Md state police or the FBI?

  75. and still crickets from all involved and well knowing agencies/departments

  76. Waiting....Still nothing?

  77. Joe, give us a name!

  78. Word is the SU investigator "lost" the video evidence and possibly fingerprints too. State's ATTY had no intention of charging him.


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