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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

PRESS RELEASE: Protective Masks

Thanks to the sewing skills of MCO Joann Johnson, the Wicomico County Department of Corrections has assembled a team of inmates to sew protective masks for our healthcare workers. These masks use MERV-13 filters combined with carbon sheeting to mirror the efficiency of N95 respirators. We hope to distribute our first donations to healthcare workers by the end of this week.

In times like this it is special to be able to tap into skill sets such as these. Our thanks to those who made this a reality.


  1. Fantastic idea! Please share with all Maryland mayors' and the governor so that he may pass the option along as well. Could be a Country wide idea. Great job Mrs. Johnson

  2. Coronavirus remains on surfaces between 3 and 14 days. How do they disinfect these masks before passing them out? Seems unsafe since you're putting them directly on your nose and breathe in!

  3. Excellent use of resources, and productivity increases self esteem.

  4. Maybe they can make some for the Sheriffs Office cause they don’t have ANY!

  5. 7:48 PM I sorta agree. I am afraid to touch anything.

  6. Rickie should get an entire body mask. Putz.

  7. considering how widespread Covid 19 is in the prisons already, this is both stupid and a waste of time..but yes, please do give infected masks to sheriff Lewis' crack team...

  8. 7:48 , Good question. I presume they will be sanitized prior to distribution.

    1. Just pop them in a microwave oven for 30 seconds.

  9. Seems like rehabilitation may show signs of success in times like this. Maybe these inmates should be considered for their civic volunteerism. Thank you for your efforts.

  10. Any county worker, including teachers, who is on paid leave during this crisis, could be doing this.

  11. 9:05
    Why do you assume that?
    Isn’t it more likely the Coronavirus will be inserted prior to distribution?

    How do you think they are dispersing this bioweapon?

    Do you think they are spraying it from airplanes?

  12. So, are they being made by violent offenders, because non-violent offenders need to e released. Get with the program, Wicomico county.

  13. Just how can they ensure that these masks are sanitary? The inmates could be wiping their nose, coughing in their hands, sneezing all over them. Damn if I would wear them.


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