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Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Trump invokes Defense Production Act as coronavirus response

President Trump announced Wednesday he will invoke the Defense Production Act, which would allow the administration to force American industry to ramp up production of medical supplies that are in short supply in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

Hospitals and states have pleaded with the administration for more supplies to protect doctors and nurses on the frontlines of the pandemic.

“There’s never been an instance like this where no matter what you have it’s not enough,” Trump said at a White House briefing with reporters.

“If we need to use it, we’ll be using it at full speed ahead.”

Many health workers have said they are quickly running out of personal protective equipment, like masks and gowns, that are crucial to ensuring they don’t get sick.



  1. So what's up with the last female reporter who first says that a white house employee referred to this as the Kung Flu, and secondly asked if asians were more prone to infection because it originated in China? Our President has enough on his hands without having to deal with a moron like this. The press should have an IQ test before being allowed to ask questions.

    1. The weapon is designed to favor Asian Race.

  2. Don't. forget toilet paper!!!!!


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