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Friday, March 13, 2020

Panic in New York: Manhattan stores mobbed as New Yorkers stockpile supplies while Mayor de Blasio issues a desperate plea for calm after declaring state of emergency in the city over coronavirus

Panicked New Yorkers rushed to stock up on essentials forming long lines and clearing shelves of produce as Mayor Bill de Blasio declared a state of emergency in the city due the coronavirus outbreak.

He made the decision on Thursday afternoon saying the last 24 hours had been 'very, very sobering' and that the world had been turned 'upside down' in just a day.

The announcement immediately sparked furious panic shopping from New Yorkers as grocery stores across the city saw chaos and frantic stockpiling with residents fearing the worst.

De Blasio attempted to calm the panic, asking for a stop in the spread of misinformation and stating that Manhattan would not be quarantined.



  1. Clearing the isles of "perishable" produce?? That tells you just how stupid the liberal left wing is!!

  2. Chinese Communist flu. It has to be said.

  3. Pandemonium thanks to liberal kooks and leftmedia.

  4. Democrats pushed China to release this to take out trump.

  5. Guess all the toilet paper is made in china !!!

  6. maybe they will burn New York to the ground

  7. Well, the left is reaping what they die... they created the panic...now Conrad Diblasio can't handle it...

  8. Nancy is the worse. I still plan to vote Trump - he is the only one with common sense.

  9. And the demographics are????????????

  10. If this Virus Panic is a Democratic prank to remove Trump from office it is going to back 🔥 again like the rest of their stupid attempts.

  11. I’m in Italy and quarantined right now. Young and old literally dropping dead around me. The story of what’s headed your way is not being told.


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