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Thursday, March 19, 2020

'Nonpeople': Rand Paul argues against federal tax credit for illegal immigrants

Sen. Rand Paul appeared to refer to illegal immigrants as both "nonpeople" and "not legitimate" during a speech on the Senate floor Wednesday.

The Kentucky Republican spoke Wednesday about his amendment to a $104 billion coronavirus package aimed at offsetting the cost, in part by reducing fraud. His amendment would, among other things, mandate that any family claiming the child tax credit provide a Social Security number for that child.

“If you want to apply for money from the government through the child tax credit program ... then you have to be a legitimate person,” Paul said on the Senate floor. “It has nothing to do with not liking immigrants. It has to do with saying, taxpayer money shouldn’t go to nonpeople.”

The senator's office said he was discussing "fraudulent practices" where adults claim they have children for personal gain.



  1. Keep them in the workforce so that they can spread the virus around better

  2. Good on you Senator. Speak the truth.

  3. I agree with him.

  4. Go Rand no non-citizen should be allowed to get any tax payer dollars or benefits period.

  5. Damn Right they better NOT get SHHHHHT !!!!! Deport Them


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