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Sunday, March 22, 2020

NBC Reporter Asks ‘Why Was The U.S. Not Prepared For More Testing?’ Trump Reacts: “Your Network… Called Me A Racist”

Members of the coronavirus task force held a press briefing Thursday to give an update on the COVID-19 pandemic.

During the briefing, President Donald Trump took questions from reporters and was asked why the United States was “not more prepared for testing” presumably at the beginning of the outbreak of the coronavirus.

President Trump explained on Thursday that COVID-19 “could have been stopped pretty easily if everybody had known about it a number of months” earlier, had China made it public to the world.

“The whole world is suffering because of it,” said the Commander in Chief.



  1. Chief Scapegoater. Everything is everyome else's fault. With as much of my tax money going to fund satellites, CIA, and all the other compnents of the intelligence apparatus, no one knew? Come on dude. A real leader has no problem saying "look, they caught us flat footed, but now we are on the offensive and will get the job done." Its not that hard Mr President

    1. Go back to Canada.

    2. He’s done more then you have!!!! I bet your democrat A$$ won’t mind that stimulus check ya might receive though. Don’t attack the man just because you don’t like him. He has had to fight every corner he makes. Maybe you need to worry about why the coronavirus has taken over every media outlet for 150 fatalities. Meanwhile, Joe Biden is stealing an election from Bernie Sanders and probably going to try and steal it from Trump but Joe’s going to lose. I mean wake up nobody wants the flu and nobody wants other people to be sick with the flu. Just be smart and play it like you would any other flu, you would swear it’s the bubonic plague. The virus is just a distraction while the crooked dems do dirty deeds behind the scenes.

    3. Hum, maybe if Iran would just return the cash obummer gave them we could give more to Americas that are out of work because of a virus that OUR PRESIDENT did not cause.

    4. 8:42 He stopped travel to China when the outbreak started. Whether you want to admit it or not that saved lives and he was called a racist for it. Go crawl back under the rock you slivered out of. None of this is Trumps fault. Your anger should be directed at China but instead you’re following the lead of the media because you’re too stupid to think for yourself. Geez you people or so fn blinded by hate you can’t see straight. 🙄 How do you get up every morning and function??🤦‍♀️

  2. Corona isn’t Trumps fault. Ebola wasn’t Obama’s , SARS wasn’t Bush’s and only a handful of cases of herpes was Clinton’s

  3. No matter what he does, thje haters criticize. HATER 8:42 did you criticize your beloved Obama when so many Americans died? He never took the steps that Trump has taken and other countries have followed.

  4. Lifelong Republican here. Conservative all around, but I'm with 8:42. Trump is not a good leader. He's not an effective leader. He's a blowhard who always blames others for his shortfall. How can you blindly follow and be so blind to the facts. I won't vote for Biden in November, but morally I will not allow myself to vote Trump again.

    1. OATH KEEPERS for LIFEMarch 20, 2020 at 5:33 AM

      11 11 pm

      go back to mommys basement you liar

    2. 11:11 You may be a Republican but you were never a Trump supporter. No matter what this man does there will always be people like you who choose to criticize and hate. Must be a really sad life you guys live.

  5. 8:42 Sows how ignorant dumbacraps are....Thinks a "satellite" can spot a corona virus in China????

  6. I believe in yesterday

  7. To the above never Trumpers; I too am a conservative Republican. I agree Trump can be a bit overbearing at times especially when he goes off script. That having been said, he HAS turned this country around and he IS the bitter pill we have needed. Conspiracy theories aside, I believe this virus was contrived in a lab and inadvertently got loose; there is nothing Trump could have done about that. Countries mess with biological stuff all the time. The world has panicked because of the unknowns. Like burning a small pile of brush in the backyard this has managed to get out of control. Stand firm against radical liberal BS.

  8. 8:53 Well said. Commenters like 8:42 & 11:11 are offended by Trumps gruffness. They liked it better when all of our past presidents screwed the American people on a daily basis. But hey you can’t fix stupid.

  9. You guys sound like a wife who was told she looks fat in her dress. Cut your whining and childish insults. Unless you forgot, it is the duty of every American citizen to question the actions and words of elected officials and hold them accountable. You talked all that trash about Obama lovers worshipping "the messiah" when actually it was you looking for your Savior and Chief. The co stant blame shifting a d false statements from Trump are easily verifiable. Have fun keeping your heads i the sand. Has nothing to do with beimg Rep or Dem, but everything to dl with expectations of being an honest leader.

    1. Trump is doing the best he can and is doing a great job, way ahead of everybody else. First of all this whole thing is blown out of proportion and overly dramatic. Everything trump does to protect us, the democrats attack him for being racist. The borders should of been shut down a long time ago and all in/out travels but no he was a racist. Your boy Obama and Hillary and Nancy and all the dumbocrats are just evil people. It’s time to get your head out of your Democrat behind and make your own decisions instead of letting liberal media make them for you!!!!! Your one of the sheep being led by wolves.

    2. Pssst, what if I told you critiquing Trump does not make you a democrat

    3. 5:36 Pssst, What if I told you it just makes you a hypocrite.

    4. 653 something tells me you dont have a grasp on the concept of hypocrisy. Let me give you an example: claiming to be a conservative who is for reducing deficits and the national debt but then cheering onnpolicies that balloon the national debt.

  10. 12:42 Bahahaha no that would be you lefties. You’ve been crying since 2016 cause you didn’t get your way. And look at you...still crying. Orange man bad. Whew your parents sure raised a thin skin🤣


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