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Thursday, March 26, 2020

Mayor's Daily Coronavirus Update 3/26


  1. 4 deaths
    5 wicomico cases
    34 patients under investigation in city

  2. Hogan just said he is NOT following Trump's back to work as usual in a week or so and I hate to say it but he is CORRECT.

  3. Charlie Brown head mayor

  4. His update could have been much shorter had he omitted umhs and ahhs. He has a tough time speaking off the cuff.

  5. Wicomico County open tomorrow?

  6. All Wicomico County employees that can't work from home must report to work 3/27/2020. Sounds like budget over public safety. Forget the the Council's declaration of emergency.

  7. All the people who have this flu work for the dems..its like benghazi...our lord and savior Donald trump will protect us...believe me!!!!!!

  8. Drink a Corona !!

  9. Blah, blah, blah...Acorn is closing downtown...another one bites the dust. hopefully they will find a Great Location and re-open After the cvirus diminishes...

    1. For what they were charging it was only a matter of time

    2. 8:39 Hate to break it to you but Acorn is closing because they don’t like to pay their rent.

  10. I will bet anyone he will blame the construction downtown taking forever because of the virus. Especially if the place can't get cleaned up for his beloved Folk Festival.

    Maybe we should bet when he says it. Not if he says it.

  11. Jake will use the virus as the reason for Acorn's closure. It has nothing to do with the downtown being chewed up for last 2 years, or is it longer?

  12. how can there only be 5 cases unless it is the same family that never left the house. doesn't make sense

  13. Northwest Woodsman: Anyone else notice the “I love me” ego display on the wall behind him. I’m sure that backdrop was intentional.

  14. Probably use the virus as an excuse for abusing his wife and children. Can’t take the stress so I’ll take it out on my wife. In today’s society this is a no no especially for anyone in the politics 👎👎👎

  15. Probably use the virus as an excuse for abusing his wife and children. Can’t take the stress so I’ll take it out on my wife. In today’s society this is a no no especially for anyone in the politics 👎👎👎


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