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Sunday, March 29, 2020

Maryland Can't Afford To Shut Down Businesses & Puts Citizens At Risk Of Coronavirus

Between to cost of unemployment insurance and the loss of sales and taxes, Governor Hogan is putting the citizens of Maryland at serious risk of spreading the Coronavirus.

Monday he shut down car dealerships, (sales departments) and Tuesday reneged and sent out the order to reopen car dealerships. Do you believe car dealerships are "essential"? It's all about the money and nothing else. 

Some of you are acting like it's no big deal. Some are saying their rights would be violated if Hogan ordered a shelter in place. Are you people watching other parts of the country. Are you reading the articles we are putting up here like the following, 

Millions could die and hospitals will be totally overwhelmed if America ends the coronavirus lockdown early

This virus is no joke. Granted, while many businesses have been shut down it will only slow down the spread. Rather then thinking we're on the Eastern Shore and we're nothing like New York or California, look at the per capita numbers instead. Look at the percentages AFTER our local Health Departments REOPEN and we start getting REAL numbers. 

My health/life is more important then ANY politician who claims everything is OK and so is yours. It is TRUE when you hear about the rumor of a Delaware businessman who tested positive for the virus who came to Ocean City yesterday and held a business meeting exposing locals who have now been quarantined and have now been tested for the virus. I tried explaining to everyone how this was very possible and now it has become a fact. So much for Delaware residents sheltering in place!

This is nowhere near over. I will remain isolated until I am comfortable we are all in the clear. Governor Hogan can try to ease the minds of Maryland residents but I firmly believe his selfish speeches are hot air and he cannot be trusted. It's all about the almighty dollar. Car Dealerships are NOT essential and vehicles can easily be purchased on line and vehicles delivered right to your front door. 

We are ALL suffering as business people, big and small. Greed is what will kill people in the end. Hogan is as greedy as they get. My guess is that Hogan will continue to lift restrictions on businesses and spin it as if the Eastern Shore population is too small to have the same affect as other metropolitan areas. The big question now is, will you fall for his BS or will you continue to protect your family, friends, co workers and neighbors? Oh, let's not forget that it is the little people who are suffering the most, employees. Because of the major financial strain of being out of work, most people will be forced to go back to work without businesses disinfecting the work place. 


  1. Trump only cares about $$$ not your lives.

    1. 7:51 Shut up. You spelled Nancy wrong πŸ™„

  2. The virus is a bioweapon
    They know in advance when it is released

  3. The Wilson family (Preston Ford) were among some of the largest donors to Hogan. Going as far as even having fund raising events. Other auto dealers also donated heavily to Hogan so they have his ear. Sure you can buy a car online but the dealers do not have the opportunity to roll you over(that's a term used by the dealers for pressure selling of financing and extended warranties) and up sell you. As you said it is about the money.

  4. Then YOU stay home for 12-16 weeks. I do not fear the bad cold/mild flu. Don't take away my freedoms because you buy into the media's hype.

    1. You may not fear it but us with auto-immune diseases, those on chemotherapy, and others with weak systems do. You speak of rights being taken away, but what about us who have a right to live, have a right to watch our children grow up, or our grandchildren grow up? Huh, what about us? That was a selfish statement you made. You may not fear it, you may survive it but those you come in contact with may not! Think about others! I don't want to leave my family because someone like you thinks it's okay to spread this. I'm only 40yrs old with life ahead of me and 4 beautiful children and a gorgeous granddaughter. It's people like you who are reckless, inconsiderate, and selfish that's going to kill us!

    2. Then stay home. In your “safe space”

    3. Flip out much?

    4. It's funny that this "protect others by not leaving your home" thing is new. I never remember this argument being used for diseases in the past. I wonder if a big part of it isn't the boomers creeping into the target age now.

    5. It's the porn industry. More staying home means more online sales.

    6. Baby boomers get blamed for everything - knock it off. You too will be old one day if you live that long - it's coming old age that isπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  5. It seems like Trump is on the same bandwagon... No one wants a bad economy, and all of our investments are tanking... but human lives are at stake... the economy WILL recover. Unfortunately many will die that didn't have too.

    Every politician at the helm needs to be reminded of their poor judgement come election day.

  6. 8:07, The reason many of us will stay confined is because of people like you spreading the virus without any concern for the elderly. You young punks couldn't care less about the well being of others. It's nothing until your parents and grandparents die from the virus because your selfish a$$ spread it to them. Funny how you pansies hide behind anonymous too afraid to expose who you are. More than likely your one of those people who swear to others you never come to this site and simply dislike me. I'd say you are simply stirring the pot.

  7. I agree with most of what you are saying. But why aren't you going after the president too? Yesterday he said some ridiculous things acting like this is almost over.

    1. He is trying to bring HOPE to the American people...ever hear of hope? No matter what your personal thoughts of Trump are,his instincts have been spot on.

    2. 8:33 more fake news, trump did not say anything about this being almost over. He said “HOPEFULLY” we could start opening things back up by Easter, it would be a good thing. Stop watching CNN!!!! They like to twist words to make fake news and then idiots like you fall for it because you hate trump so much.

    3. I thought the same thing 8:33. I know he must keep morale up, but also don't give us false hope for profit. That is why we condemn the MSM. Be straight and truthful with us.

  8. Hey joe, why is no one keeping it int he forefront that, while all this is goign on the dems of MD passed a 2.5 billion tax hike on people for the next 5 years?????? And yet you all are talking smack about this virus and the economy???? What about 2.5 billion i tax hikes on top of anything that goes south in this state from here on in?????

  9. Shut down it all .. my wife a daycare provider and the government hasn't mentioned anything concerning the providers... There are jobs hiring unemployed especially school bus drivers..we don't get stay at home pay .. shut the schools down so some can move forward

  10. 8:33, Trust me, I am NOT at all happy with Trumps statements. I'm also not at all happy with my Wife's statements on many topics but guess what, learn to agree to disagree. Just because I disagree with ANYONE doesn't mean I hate them or dislike them. I simply DISAGREE. The crap he spewed about his "hoping" this will all be over by Easter is flat out a load of crap and very irresponsible. Everyone, (Hogan and Trump) are trying to convince people that we will all be back to normal soon, not true. Creating a closing multiple businesses will in fact slow down the SPREAD is this virus but that's it. It's a step in the right direction BUT if you really want to tackle it you need to shelter in place across America. Clearly our politicians believe it is too costly financially to do what is right and necessary.

    1. This would be the only way. We need to shut it down. We cannot sacrifice short term profits for long term problems. If we all become infected than it would not do the economy any good. Hopefully President Trump will rethink this.

  11. 8:38, We did publish an article about that tax increase. At this time we need to concentrate more on helping people understand the seriousness of this virus. The MD tax increase is something we can discuss further when the air is clear on the virus. By the way, the ONLY way we're going to be able to tackle the BS tax increase is to encourage other people to register to vote across the sate, not just the Shore. Stay safe people and keep your distance from others for now.

    I'll add, the traffic we are receiving daily is through the roof. I say this only to tell the people attacking me that I don't care about your negativity, people are listening and I can assure you our traffic blows away ANY other local news source. At least, (if anything) we are providing factual and documented information for people to absorb and make their own decisions. Clearly more people are listening to me instead of other news sources. I watched WBOC yesterday for the first time in several months. Here's what they CONVENIENTLY forgot to mention to you about Hogan reopening car dealerships. THEY CAN'T HAVE MORE THEN 10 PEOPLE IN THE DEALERSHIP AT ONE TIME. I'd say that's a pretty big mistake. Hell, there's more sales people alone at that number, let alone customers.

    1. I can’t imagine that the public is interested in buying new cars, or used cars, at this moment. At this moment, I doubt people are interested in buying anything other than food, prescriptions and toiletries.

  12. Just a thought. Is there a way we could work on the corona virus and the economy at the same time? Or should we do the corona virus first and when that is completely gone then we should start on the economy?

  13. I too have listened to Trump's remarks. I look at it a bit differently. His argument is that during times of other pandemics, MERS, Swine Flu, H1N1, etc. we did not shut down the country. This corona virus is all about the UNKNOWN, little is known about it because it is a new strain never seen before. Labs are scrambling to understand it. Precautions have been taken and it is up to individuals to heed warnings. Was there the hysterical panic during the other flus? With regard to his statement about Easter...again I see his message...1) HOPE and encouragement that we will get through this, 2) Easter is the celebration of the resurrection for religious. Don't blame Trump, he is not the root of this virus and the media "stirs the pot" with Trump derangement syndrome.

    1. Do your research. This is not the flu with these contagion levels and incubation period of 14 days

    2. Our President ignored his intelligence briefings and refused to prepare.
      Look at S. Korea's example for how to prepare.

    3. 9:21 then why is a quarantine of 14 days recommended

  14. so charge the delaware businessman with attempted murder and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. Let those infected by him sue him for everything he's got! maybe then others will get the message!

  15. This will end and it will be over. Some are going to do better than others and that's life. I personally will be there for my friends and family help those that have lost all the bitching in the world is not going to stop or make a difference. WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS be right and be quiet.

  16. 1009am...refused to prepare?!?!?! Are you the only idiot left alive? Trump was the very first to shut down air travel from infected areas, going against all the democrats shouting to keep it flowing!

  17. Calling on Andy Harris to refine the SBA loan process it’s insane!

  18. 7:51 you obviously get your news from the left media

  19. Better than Boss Pelosi or Shumer or Schiff or Nadler anyday !!!!

  20. Through this pandemic I've kept right on work I'm not sick don't feel anything haven't for two weeks. I've just been washing my hands regularly and using hand sanitizer and gloves and being smart. It's time we get back to work and keep America great. We are destroying so many small businesses over a cold

  21. Where is his GIRL eye candy ?? LOL Like Dukes of Hazard had
    Where is Rosco P Coletrain ???

    1. The girl is Nancy Pelosi wearing short shorts

    2. The girl is Nancy Pelosi wearing short shorts

  22. I agree with the comment on the outrageous ridiculous tax increase. But I look at it from another perspective I am out of work so how am I going to pay for these asinine taxes? Are the Democrats repose my home and car?

  23. I believe Trump’s Easter comments were born of an attempt to provide some sense of optimism amidst a difficult time. That is what a leader should do.

    The problem is that he needs to stop his freestyle, ‘from the hip’ comments and drastically limit the amount of time he speaks in these completely unstructured ‘press conferences’.

    He just needs to shut up. Pretending to know what he’s talking about only makes him look worse.
    By the way, I voted for him.

    1. I’m with you
      I have some criticism of our Savior but fear the retribution of criticizing him

  24. We all have an agenda on this issue. I want to go on vacation next month so of course 😁 I want to hear Trump say "before Easter." I know I'm screwed but it gave me hope. I am not a terrible person. I too worry about this virus and it's affect on people. So you see your agenda is what is driving your individual comments good or bad. There is good in all of us - but also fear of the unknown. Let's just hope for the best.

  25. Who is ROSCO P COLETRAIN ???? (Sheriff)

    Daisy Dukes = Pelosi !!!!

  26. Sheriff is LEWIS of course !!! LOL LOL LOL LOL

  27. APB out for Daisy Dukes !!!


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