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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Majority of Maryland's coronavirus patients are younger than 60

ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Friday was another record-breaking day in terms of the number of new coronavirus cases in Maryland.

There were 194 additional positive patients identified in Maryland in the last 24 hours, according to the Maryland Department of Health.

Gov. Larry Hogan led a teleconference meetings with his full cabinet and the coronavirus task force. With a vaccine at least a year away and possible treatments still being tested, health experts said social distancing and data remain some of the best weapons we currently have to fight the coronavirus pandemic.

As of 10 a.m. Friday, there were 774 confirmed coronavirus cases in Maryland -- a 33% surge in new cases in one day. There were 41 new hospitalizations reported, and 22% of all cases have been hospitalized so far, according to MDH.

MDH also began posting the age breakdown for confirmed coronavirus cases in Maryland, and the majority of people testing positive in Maryland are young.

"There are some theories about why the numbers look different in the U.S. versus other parts of the world," said former Baltimore City Health Commissioner Dr. Leana Wen. "Many people in the U.S. do have chronic medical conditions, including obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, who are not elderly and who might have these conditions at an earlier age. There are some theories linking, perhaps, younger people who are infected to things like vaping and e-cigarettes, but these are just theories at the moment."



  1. But if your older than 60, your chances are slim

  2. Numbers are from western Maryland. Can’t get tested on eastern shore unless it is postbmortum. Face it folks on this side of the bay are expendable. They can honestly believe it isn’t here because they are not testing the population here. We are political pawns

  3. That headline is not surprising in the least. They all mostly believed it wouldn't affect them, so precautions and guidelines were ignored. And now they (and everybody else) have to pay the price.

  4. March 31, 2020 at 9:09 AM:

    It's not about age, it's about underlying health issues that increases morbidity, regardless of age. Comorbidities are the leading indicator of morbidity from the virus. Older people have more comorbidities than the younger demographic, but younger people with comorbidities have the same risk of death from the virus that older people do. It's a common misconception that younger people have no risk of death or serious illness as a result of being infected. And that brings us to where we are now.

  5. The majority of coronavirus cases in Maryland are in people under sixty because the majority of Maryland residents are under sixty. Duh. Now the death rate vs. age group will be different.

  6. Also need to show comparison to population age demographic. Marylanders that retire and are able, tend to move to more tax friendly states, making that age group a smaller percentage than national average.


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