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Monday, March 09, 2020

Magnitude 5.8 earthquake shakes Northern California as tremors are felt for nearly 200 miles and eight smaller quakes happen in 24 hours

A 5.8 magnitude earthquake struck 50 miles off the coast of Northern California Sunday and was felt as much as 200 miles away.

The United States Geological Survey reported that a mid-level earthquake happened near the city of Petrolia, around 8pm.

NBC News said that residents in the coastal city of Eureka felt their homes shakes, as well as people 137 miles south in Ukiah, 171 miles north at the Oregon border and nearly 200 miles inland in Redding.

A video shared on Twitter showed one person's hanging lights swinging due to the quake's force.



  1. Lets hope it falls into the ocean. Just a bunch of stinking liberals and street people.

  2. Remember when the lefties said Florida got hit with a hurricane because the state went for Trump?? Even a liberal has to see the delicious irony...

    1. The shots are being called from Langley ....

  3. California...prep for the big one folks. You are reaping what you sow...radical liberalism = homelessness, rampant crime, wild fires due to thick and dry underbrush (thanks to tree huggers), mass exodus due to high taxes to pay for liberal "free" stuff to those who contributed nothing, etc.

  4. Now is the time to buy cheap land at what one day will be Arizona Bay.

  5. There really is a God.


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