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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Lowe's Tell Police They WILL NOT Close | Employees Are MAD


  1. How about you mr liberal send them mask and cloves if your really concerned I mean. Better yet tell those employees to quit, go home, then those that want a job can work. Theres very good reason that building supply stores are considered essential despite your liberal views.

    1. Garden center, home furnishings, patio furniture are not essential!Allow only a minimum amount of people in store at a time to buy ONLY essential items! Dont bring your whole family in to window shop or just get out of the house for awhile! Do what you can to help stop the spread of this mess! No problem with them selling essentials. They should NOT be able to sell anything else at this time! It is all about the money for Lowes!

  2. I'm sorry, not listening to someone in a gamer's chair, proudly displaying Funko figures, graphic novels, posters, and a left on video game. I can do better with my time somewhere else. Dude needs to learn about self awareness first.

  3. does Home Depot stay open too ???

  4. With that pale complexion and those pasty mangina hands Im surprised he's even aware of what a lowes is for. He's never worked a mans job in his life.

  5. This is the perfect example of why it should be against the law for any liberal democrat to hold a job that requires any decision making...are you listening 710pm? YOU dont get to decide what essential is to the rest of us. I wanted you to remember this vid and getting joe to post it because it suited your narrative. READY?
    When your frig quits during an emergency and that $350 worth of groceries you horded just a cpl days ago starts spoiling....and every other damn place is CLOSED, because you almost got yur way....
    When your faucet breaks and/or your water wont run so you can wash your death laden hands....and yes you made them close everything else..
    Werent you also the one ranting about how stupid it was to let auto stores stay open? Ya cant get essential personnel it your vehicles down!
    Youve ranted all week..."its for everyone's safety" HOGWASH!!! Its strictly about your opinion because your too damn shallow to consider anyone else or their essential needs....now go fix a samich!!

  6. Suck it up Buttercup ! You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet !

  7. You are right! There's nothing essential in Lowes. They ran out of toilet paper and sani wipes.

  8. Everything Lowes sells is essential , just in my mind anyway .

  9. Essential building supplies are keeping construction going and economy moving. Some folks don’t have a clue only a big mouth

  10. Lowe's falls under the Essential Category! Why the wasted debate! When this is over people can argue what is essential and non-essential but not know in the middle of it. You can't change the rules in the middle of an event. Before or After quit your whining!!

  11. Good for them! Are businesses supposed to close every flu season? Or when that 24-hour stomach bug comes around?

  12. If construction is an essential business then where do you buy supplies moron. The problem is the inspections of construction work. The inspectors are NOT essential, which shuts down construction

  13. Do you think that your water heater is non-essential, how about if your toilet breaks, stove breaks or the refrigerator goes up? What if you need a part to keep something functioning?

    Not everyone can pay for repair people to do essential repairs if these things happen. They have to fix them themselves

    It happened to me and let me tell you they are indeed essential. I had my refrigerator go up and had to scramble to get a new one or throw out my food!

    I agree that some people are just window shopping, but you shouldn't assume other people do not have a genuine need. Just saying !

  14. Guess what jack, They did pass a stimulus, oh my bad a bail out and guess who gets it??? Big Corps, where they said they would give their uppers a higher pay increase!!!! Yep that is who you want money to go to when you say get paid and work from home!!!! Good job moron... lets see what you can afford when you have higher taxes after this!!!

  15. My problem is this story states that the virus has been detected on employees and the stores are NOT being sanitized at all. They are letting people come in to that store, go all over those infected areas. Now is it just me or is this not spreading a disease to other people, one we have no cure for?? OMG YOU JUST CAN NOT FIX STUPID.

  16. They are essential. Pipes break, things need to be repaired that are essential to live. It would be impossible to say what products are essential and not in these stores. They should be cleaning extra, yes. I just wonder about the keypads everyone touches when they buy something. After each purchase the keypads should be sanitized.

  17. Is Dairy Queen essential ??

  18. 1:37, I am glad you mentioned the key pads. Can you imagine all of the people that touch those things? They are probably ground zero for the virus, Yuk!


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