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Monday, March 09, 2020

Kamala Harris Overcomes Biden's Segregationist Comments To Offer Endorsement

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) has become the latest former presidential candidate to endorse former president Joe Biden in his bid for the White House - saying on Sunday that she would do "everything in my power" to help the former VP win.

"There is no one better prepared than Joe to steer our nation through these turbulent times, and restore truth, honor, and decency to the Oval Office," said Harris, adding "He is kind and endlessly caring, and he truly listens to the American people."

She's certainly come a long way, after feigning outrage over Biden's praise of segregationist Democrat Senators.



  1. Sit right on down on his lap and he'll tell you a story of how he ended WWII by selling more donuts than anybody else when he was in college.

  2. She is just doing what she is instructed to do by those Democrats, DNC, Soro's and Obama that control this ho puppet!!!!

  3. She is carrying the torch for the Democrat Party like she was told to do.

  4. 12:47 is correct! Same unseen luciferians who controled all who preceded TRUMP. Its why they hate him so. Not doing their bidding. They are lying when they state. They will bring back honor to WH with another of their slaves to lucifer.

  5. Get Rid of her Racist dirty ass too !!!! 2020


  6. She senses the Joementum; good bye, Willie Brown! That cements Joe's support from the strumpets union.

  7. Another phony no wonder California especially Los Angeles is just a homeless city, if your not rich your living in cardboard boxes and tents if you wonder why no one wanted her for President she should be removed from the office she has and a phony to now endorse the man she ran into the ground with her comments.


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