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Thursday, March 26, 2020

Is It Me Or Is Facebook Playing Games?

Are you experiencing the same as I am. Over the past four days when I go to Facebook the same posts are up four days in a row. It's as if not a single person has posted anything new in the last four days. Nancy Pelosi this and that. Quite frankly I'm sick and tired of seeing her face plastered everywhere. Prince Charles all over the place. So tell me, why isn't Facebook refreshing their posts?


  1. Pushing the narrative, the hidden danger of the rainbows agenda..need to social distance yourself from FB

  2. I sent a text to my daughter that her post kept showing up day after day. I joked with her to take it down. So I don't think it's just political posts. This happens about twice a year for some reason; I don't know why though.

    The Guy That Hates Your Presentation. :-)

  3. Actually, half of their staff is staying home. It's not 100 percent automated. So, demand is outpacing supply. Think toilet paper.

  4. You should only be allowed to show family pictures and recipes on FB.

  5. I agree 8:31, it is the only reason I visit Facebook

  6. Joe, FB squashes content they don’t like. Period. Insiders admit the algorithms are coded to pick up keywords and scan images.
    They qualify your post, and shadow ban it if it doesn’t fit the DNC/globalist agenda.
    Independents, Conservatives do not get the circulation, exposure or receive content outside of the little box of 20 or 30 people they categorize you in.
    They know we have no way of proving they do it so they will continue to shape the forum and throttle information uninhibited.


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