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Sunday, March 29, 2020

How Many Of You Think Governor Hogan Just Made A Huge Mistake?

This coming from a guy who survived a life threatening cancer disease, no shelter in place for the rest of Marylander's! 

Bottom line, shelter in place anyway people. This guy is a fool and risking the lives of millions of Marylander's, especially the elderly. 

As for the financial relief of businesses, the funding he's proposed wouldn't last a DAY in this state. It may sound like a lot of money to some but for those of us in business it's a joke. While we all appreciate the gesture, the businesses that will not survive these orders will not be able to reopen. 

I personally think this is a huge mistake.


  1. Not a mistake at all. Just the opposite. He exhibited more responsible leadership than anyone in Washington! If he had ordered a "shelter-in-place", everyone would be complaining of over-reach and refusing to comply. He's trying to ask Marylanders to be responsible. Stay home unless absolutely necessary. Folks need to grow up and take responsibility for their actions and not wait to be "ordered" to do something. Otherwise the next step will indeed be to order people to stay in their homes. Then we'll hear from all the chair-borne "patriots" whining about their rights.

    1. There is no win. Stay home for your own sake. Let everyone be stupid if they want.

  2. And this guy wants to be president?!

  3. Look, I'm no Hogan worshiper but he's doing a great job with this.

  4. How's the shelter in place working for CA and NY?? He's doing the right thing. For being Republican you sure like government overreach.

  5. I'm proud hes letting us still have freedoms. A shelter in place is unconstitutional. People need the right to work back. I thought this blog was all about freedom and now its advocating the removal of all civil liberties? What a joke.

    1. He's letting us still have freedoms?? hogan will not be taking my freedom. I will self quarantine as much as I can, but not because he said so

    2. You should do it for the people you care about. It's really that simple.

    3. That's why I'm doing it 5:27, your comment "simply" wasn't needed

  6. 12:21 I agree. In today's society, it doesn't matter what our leaders do, they are criticized by one side or the other. You hit the nail on the head - take personal responsibility. There was a time when citizens placed the benefit of all over the benefit of 'me'. We will see how that plays out in the coming weeks.

    1. The so called leaders are criminals
      Wake up

  7. 12:2 . Thank you Acting responsibly is the key to all of this but forcing people to do things in th his country is just wrong

  8. I see nothing wrong with what he did. I do think that telling people that based on having connections to go out and get two weeks of food causes panic buying and hoarding.
    The county needs to close all playgrounds, ball fields and basketball courts.

  9. Hogan is doing a great job. People are panicked enough without shelter in place. It is time the whiners grow up and act like adults. Be responsible. Have respect for others even if you don't care about your own life and that of your families'. Character matters and this is a test of who you are!

  10. How is what he did any different/better than what the president has done? The president left it up to the states to handle how they wanted to handle it, which is exactly what should’ve happened because each state is different. Now if you’re referring to congress that’s a different story.

    Hogan answered the question about shelter in place well. It’s all semantics because even the states with shelter in place aren’t really shelter in place. You’re still allowed to go out. At some point people need to be held accountable. If you want to keep having play dates, parties, in home happy hours, then go read about natural selection.

  11. What more do you really want closed? All this complaining yet all you have to do is stay home. Worry about you!

  12. He needed a stay in place order”which is the surgeon general’s recommendation “ his restrictions are nothing new from what we already have

  13. I think he is doing a great job and more governors should take a lesson from him. He isn’t pointing fingers and is trying not to create an over reach as was stated by the other commenter. If he did all would be up in arms screaming draconian rule and unconstitutional actions blah blah. All need to be responsible for their actions and he knows that.

  14. I think its fine...guess we aren't going to Marshall law..lol

  15. Lol his ASIAN WIFE pulls his big bow strings FACT.

  16. He is a simpleton, He is so stupid he can't make a decision without his wife telling him what to do.
    Gov. Whitmore of Michigan just shut down her state as a precaution and this idiot is just too stupid to do anything. He is more concerned about tax revenue than peoples lives.

  17. Hogan doesn't want to make a big thing out of this Chinese Virus, it might anger his inlaws!

  18. He didn't give an idea of how long this will last. A week or two won't be bad but after that we still have bills to pay. It's just sad that our lives are governed by idiots that have to go out and party.

  19. No not a mistake. It should be done.
    It's Just way to confusing. It leaves open every business a reason to stay open. And people to just go about doing most anything they please, as long as it's less than 10 people..

  20. Hey poster of the story:

    You also FORGOT the fact that in just a moments time, THEY WILL HAVE TO RAISE TAXES TO COVER the 2.5 BILLION tax increase the DEMS just pushed through with their sum 400 to 600 bills they passed in 4 days!!!!

    Just wait for the sales tax to go up 51% and other fees and taxes, if no new ones are created from this PASSING OF THE KIRWIN PLAN...

    But hey as long as you are good little slaves everything will be alright!!!!

  21. Anonymous said...
    Look, I'm no Hogan worshiper but he's doing a great job with this.

    March 23, 2020 at 12:30 PM

    Something else this clown said before. "Look, I'm no Jake Day worshiper but he's doing a great job."

  22. I smell Mike Miller. Hogan and his lieutenants aren't smart enough to handle anything but tax increases. Don't you think its odd that most of the regs. already in force are a shadow entity
    of the Trump Administrations discoveries.

    The reasoning behind this is very simple... If you think Ocean City and the Delaware Coasts are going to stay closed this Summer then you need a guardian. If so, Him and Carney are through in Politics.

  23. Anonymous said...
    Hogan is doing a great job. People are panicked enough without shelter in place. It is time the whiners grow up and act like adults. Be responsible. Have respect for others even if you don't care about your own life and that of your families'. Character matters and this is a test of who you are!

    March 23, 2020 at 12:38 PM

    Jake Day is doing a great job too, right?

  24. I’m very pleased with the decisions so far. Stay home unless you need to go out and keep your distance of you do need to go out. Not a difficult concept. Also, at no time did he demand anyone leave their house against their will. If you feel it is best to stay in, stay in. If you need to pick up supplies or food run out and do it and then go back home and wash your hands , get a grip people. Why would you beg for Marshall law?

  25. I don’t always agree with Hogan!!! But just imagine If O’Malley was in office. We all would be dead by now and the state would be broke forever!!!!!

  26. Really Democrats, "His wife is pulling his strings". He's not Bill Clinton. Whoever put this article in blew it!

  27. Hogan's has shown responsible leadership.

    Too bad some people have something against success.

    BTW, liquor stores stay open.;o)

  28. How about we survive first, then we worry about all the other material things.

  29. Hogan is doing as good a job as Hillary Clinton did in Benghazi.
    A true leader just like his name sake, Larry of the three stodges.

  30. Look . . .let's be real . . .Hogan's relief plan has bo merit. It's laced with financial disclosures and has so many strings attached that any business that applies will become open game for MD's regulatory bureaucrats. Joe knows it, I know it, and most business execs know this. Hogan's relief plan is a mine field.

  31. Hogan is doing a fantastic Job. Shelter in place will only cause more panic. Common sense always prevails! Use it people!

  32. What about eci and premium pay. You change the rules to fit you. Look at comar .You and dbam need to pay the staff of the state correctional facility staff what you owe them. You will see the union/ lawyers examine this issue. State of emergency equal premium. Case management and officers vote and we will remember how you messed with the pay

  33. Why couldn’t they make an announcement about schools? As it stands, school is due to resume next Monday (they only closed for two weeks). Everyone knows they will not reopen on Monday but at least let families know so they can plan accordingly.

  34. Northwest Woodsman: Ah 12:47, I think you meant Martial Law. Marshall is something completely different. Not meaning to sharpshoot, however, just clarifying a little.

  35. You should have sense enough to do this on your own without having to be told. STAY HOME!

  36. Doing a great job ? He lied ! Oh sure car dealership showrooms are essential !! ...That's Not How I Was raised Up !


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