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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Hong Kong ‘Beat’ Coronavirus. But After Easing Restrictions Too Fast – It’s Back.

Hong Kong was a model of how to handle the novel coronavirus. But now it’s coming back.

In early March, Time magazine called the region “a lodestar for its ability to seemingly keep the disease at bay”, but the mistake of sending people back to work before the virus was truly dealt with was not far off.

In the first week of March, Hong Kong tried to return to a semblance of normality. Their cases have ticked up ever since.

The key to their initial successes was the aggressive response:

By Feb. 1, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore had all proactively implemented travel restrictions on passengers coming from the mainland, contravening the World Health Organization’s [WHO] insistence that travel bans were not necessary. The precautions came at a significant economic cost to these international hubs, which all rely on mainland China as their biggest trading partner and source of tourists.

The outright proscription of social gatherings paid huge dividends:



  1. You haven't seen densely populated until you see Hong Kong.

  2. And this is EXACTLY what is going to happen if Trump thinks we are going to go back to work.

    1. You don’t know that , He’s not just going to open the country back up he’s going to go on stats and advice from the top medical scientists ... some states have only a few cases unlike sanctuary cities and states

  3. Trump is the master of getting conversations started.. Their will never be a President or head of state this watched and listened to again. Half love him half want to see him fail but all toon in...

  4. Trump should listen to science and facts

  5. I had the Hong Kong Flu in the 60s and it was awful, but nothing closed and no schools closed. I think some of us are a little whimpier than we used to be.

  6. It never left lol


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