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Thursday, March 19, 2020

Governor Hogan Announces Further Actions To Slow The Spread of COVID-19, Relaunches ‘Maryland Unites’ Initiative

Limits Gatherings to 10 People, Orders Closure of Shopping Malls Announces Five Requests Nation’s Governors Will Submit to President and Leaders of CongressRestricts Access to BWI Terminal and Urges Transit for Essential Travel OnlyActivates First Phase of Hospital Surge Plan: 900 Beds Available Immediately
ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today announced a series of new actions to slow the spread of COVID-19 in Maryland, including limiting gatherings to 10 people, ordering the closure of shopping malls, restricting access to the BWI Marshall Airport terminal, and urging the use of transit for essential travel only. 
“Despite all of our repeated warnings for weeks, and in spite of the rapid escalation of this crisis across our state, the nation, and the world, some people are treating this like a vacation or a spring break with parties, cookouts, and large gatherings,” said Governor Hogan. “Let me be very clear—if you are engaged in this, you are in violation of state law and you are endangering the lives of your fellow Marylanders.”
Today’s daily count shows that Maryland has 107 confirmed cases of COVID-19—an 88 percent increase over 48 hours. Last night, Governor Hogan announced the state’s first death as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, and today the state reported its first case of a child contracting the virus.
“This truly is one of the most daunting challenges our state has ever faced,” said Governor Hogan. “But sometimes the worst times have a way of bringing out the very best in people. Marylanders are a shining example of that, and we have seen so many examples of compassion and generosity in recent days. We are all in this together, and if we all do our part to rise to this challenge and to meet this moment, we will get through this together.”
The governor also announced that later today, as chairman of the National Governors Association, he will submit five requests to the president, vice president, and leaders in both houses of Congress on behalf of the nation’s governors:
(1) Dedicate at least 50 percent of supplemental funding to the states, including direct funding, and act quickly on waiver requests(2) Increase access to PPE, masks, test kits, extraction kits, and accelerating the production of life-saving equipment, such as ventilators(3) Support Title 32 authorization to give governors maximum flexibility for use of the National Guard(4) Provide guidance on implementation of Defense Production Act to include what health and medical resources Secretary of Health and Human Services Azar is prioritizing under his new authority(5) Allow more time and flexibility for completion of both the Census and the transition to REAL ID
Below is a comprehensive list of actions the governor is taking today: 
LIMITING GATHERINGS AND ORDERING CLOSURE OF SHOPPING MALLS: Governor Hogan has amended a previous executive order to reduce the size of social, cultural, and community gatherings to 10 people, and require the closure of all enclosed shopping malls, as well as bowling alleys and pool halls. Read the emergency order.
RESTRICTED ACCESS TO BWI MARSHALL AIRPORT TERMINAL: Governor Hogan has directed the Maryland Department of Transportation to restrict access to the BWI Marshall Terminal to ticketed passengers and employees only. Exceptions will be made for visitors assisting disabled passengers. Maryland Transportation Authority Police will strictly enforce this policy.
TRANSIT FOR ESSENTIAL TRAVEL ONLY: The state is urging citizens to utilize transit for essential travel only, including emergency personnel, front-line health care workers, and anyone whose job is critical to the supply chain. 
UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND SPRING SEMESTER: Governor Hogan has asked the University System of Maryland Board of Regents to keep all students off campus and finish the spring semester online.
HOSPITAL SURGE PLAN: Governor Hogan announced that, as part of phase one of the hospital surge plan, 900 beds will be made available immediately. By early April, another 1,400 beds are expected to come online. The multi-phase plan calls for adding capacity of up to 6,000 beds.
FLEXIBILITY FOR EMERGENCY MEDICAL PERSONNEL: Governor Hogan issued an emergency order to allow greater flexibility for emergency medical services personnel to augment other health care providers. This action will help bolster the state’s hospital surge plan. Read the emergency order.
RELAUNCH OF MARYLAND UNITES: Governor Hogan announced the relaunch of the Maryland Unites initiative to connect Marylanders with resources and highlight stories of generosity and compassion amid the crisis. To learn more, visit governor.maryland.gov/marylandunites.
DELIVERY AND CARRY-OUT OF ALCOHOL: Governor Hogan has issued an emergency order that allows for delivery and carry-out sales of alcohol by restaurants, bars, distilleries, and wineries, subject to liquor laws and other conditions imposed by local alcoholic beverage authorities. Read the emergency order.
TEMPERATURE CHECKS AT STATE HOUSE: The Department of General Services has instituted temperature checks and health screenings at the State House with the assistance of National Guard medical personnel.
LIFTING RESTRICTIONS ON DELIVERY TRUCKS: To help facilitate the movement of essential supplies, Governor Hogan has issued an emergency order to lift restrictions on the capacity of delivery trucks. Motor vehicles transporting equipment or supplies directly related to the COVID-19 state of emergency are allowed to exceed legal weight limits by up to 15%. The State Highway Administrator may also temporarily waive or modify hauling permit restrictions and conditions deemed safe and appropriate. Read the emergency order.
Resources for Businesses. The Maryland Departments of Commerce and Labor have compiled resources to help businesses whose daily operations are affected during the state of emergency. Members of the business community are encouraged to reach out with their questions by sending a message to Secretary.Commerce@maryland.gov.
State of Emergency. The World Health Organization has declared the coronavirus outbreak a global pandemic. The State of Maryland is continuing to operate under a state of emergency, and all levels of government are taking a comprehensive, collaborative approach to keep Marylanders safe. The list of ongoing state actions is available at governor.maryland.gov/coronavirus.
For health resources regarding COVID-19, including case counts and clinician guidance, Marylanders should visit coronavirus.maryland.gov.


  1. Hey Hogan

    maybe if you tore down some more Statues at 3 am

    you can control this Democrat released Virus???

  2. So i guess schools will be shut down longer than march 30th they need to be clear

    1. I think this is fairly obvious. Until people stop getting infected these measures will be in place. There is zero way to know when they will end. Think of this as a multi day blizzard. So far will still in day one of that blizzard. It’s going to get far worse before it gets better.

  3. Our Governor of this state sites gatherings at malls, bowling alleys, pool halls what is he 18 years old? The worst places for people gathering that they might get too close to one another and too touchy with others would be bars, concerts, and perhaps sport activities and gyms. And his proposed number of people limited to 10 he must have very few friends not attend birthday parties for families and small church functions, it was originally proposed by the President and the Health Dept advisers of 20-25 people. This Governor I swear has to be related to Jake Day they think alike. Think of the areas that he suggested, and then think of those functions where people can get touchy and they would be places where people are drinking.

  4. Fast food is doing a major business!!! And they apparently don't have to follow only "10" inside at a time rule.

  5. Many ignore their civic responsibilities until there is nowhere else to go. So the authorities couldn't tell you where you could go, eh? And then they closed everything so you had nowhere to go. Take that! I don't mind if everything is closed, if it takes away the idiot's and irresponsible people's places to hang out and spread the virus. I just don't care about them like they don't care about anybody else. No tears shed here. If this is causing hardships, it's because many people just won't do the right think without being made to do it. You can see from many comments who "they" are.

  6. March 19, 2020 at 4:07 PM:

    Everything leads to Jake with you. Amazing, just amazing. It sucks to be you.

  7. Transit for essential travel only contradicts Hogan's stupid restrictions. There will be more than 10 in a bus or other mass transit and I could name other examples. This proves to me this virus is a political plow and pushed by the Democrats and the liberal media and fed by the FDA< AMA and Pharmaceutical companies. If not why is it they say the malaria medicine works but has to be tested? The Government has used this medication since 1944 and knows the side effects etc.

  8. Stand by... RINO Larry is a Dictator in the making! You will lose all of your rights very soon for at least 2 weeks!

  9. F off Hogan said...
    Hey Hogan

    maybe if you tore down some more Statues at 3 am

    you can control this Democrat released Virus???

    March 19, 2020 at 2:08 PM

    Thank you! Hogan is a sneaky POS!

  10. We've seen an increase because they are TESTING people.

  11. If Hogan really wants to do something worthwhile, put some damn groceries on the supermarket shelves. This is ridiculous. No freakin' toilet paper, paper towels, etc. What the heck are people doing? Eating the toilet paper.? You won't need toilet paper soon cause there won't be any food to eat, so no need for toilet paper.


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