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Thursday, March 19, 2020

First Confirmed COVID-19 case in Worcester County


  1. Do your part?! They should have done their part, and closed bars in OC when other counties did. Then the HoCo girl would have stayed home. Plus they left the gov't building open to the public after other counties had closed exposing the employees to this. Damn that's a slow, thick headed county.

    1. OC did close bars Monday, the day the Governor gave the orders.

  2. Oh this is good. Cover your butts now, that a girl has put herself out there because you failed to close bars in the county ignoring the governors orders. You down there in slow Worcester county think you make your own rules for a buck. You need a county executive to keep your asses in line.

    1. Governors orders came Monday, St Patrick Day parties were Saturday.

  3. Ocean City sold all of us out for the almighty buck. Unscrupulous leaders and good ol boy bar owners.

  4. I recently heard that a senior member from the Somerset County Health Department has just returned from a 7 day cruise and showed up for work. Noone knows if this person was tested for corona, is a carrier for corina or if it was advised that this person stay home. This is a health department for heaven's sake. If we can't rely on a health department during a pandemic who can we trust?!

  5. Funny how the first announcement of a confirmed case in WICOMICO County comes from Worcester County....


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