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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Dollar General to dedicate first hour of shopping day to senior citizens

OKLAHOMA CITY —Dollar General announced plans on Monday to dedicate the first hour of each shopping day to senior shoppers.

Beginning Tuesday, Dollar General is strongly encouraging that the first hour of operations each day be dedicated solely for the shopping needs of senior customers, who are one of the groups most vulnerable to the COVID-19 coronavirus. In keeping with the company’s mission of serving others, Dollar General wants to provide the at-risk customers with the ability to purchase the items they need and want at the beginning of each day to avoid busier and more crowded shopping periods, according to a news release.

Other customers are encouraged to plan their shopping trips around this window of time to allow the most susceptible customers in our communities the ability to shop during the first hour that stores are open, company officials said.



  1. That's a start. Now we need food lion, walmart, etc. to follow suit.

  2. Needed and kind.

  3. When are the # of people allowed in these stores going to be regulated? There’s definitely more than 100 in any given grocery store right now. It’s the middle of the month...that government money is about to run out. Hopefully things slow down for us normal people to get the things we actually need and not for stock piling purposes.


  4. This articles content certainly doesn't match the headline. If this is
    voluntary, no one will care who shops when.

  5. I think the best thing for these stores would be limit how much a person can buy of things like Toilet Paper, Paper towels, Kleenex instead of letting them hoard them. A lot of people live in the new "ME" world and do not think of others when they get greedy. I watched a lady the other day put 10 packs of 24 rolls of TP in her carts. My god that is 240 rolls of paper. If you used 1 roll a day that is 6 months supply. REALLY???????

    1. Must have been a big cart, did she bring her own. Ten packs of 24 rolls .... exaggerate much ??

  6. March 17, 2020 at 11:43 AM:

    She might be really nasty and need it all for a 1 month supply.

  7. I shopped at a Food Lion yesterday afternoon. There were a lot of customers there but the manager of that store needs
    to be commended. His employees were working hard and being very helpful and kind and all of the customers were calm and I saw several helping the older clientele find what they were looking for. Their truck was still unloading and they were stocking as fast as they could. I did not see this same scenario at a different Food Lion over the weekend.
    As we are in unchartered waters I think we all need to tread lightly and help those that need it. If you and your families have lived here all your lives you know that we take care of each other especially in hard times. Don’t let hyperbole on the TV or internet influence your head or heart.

  8. 5:14 No, I did not exaggerate. She had 4 carts. When you put an "s" at the end of cart that is more than one. It was her, husband, 2 children. Sorry maybe I should have spelled it out better for you.

    1. 7:16 You did state "her" carts, not "their" carts. Yes, you should have spelled it for me, as I'm a little slow. 5:14 here


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