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Monday, March 09, 2020

Disneyland Paris worker has tested positive for coronavirus - but the children's theme park will remain OPEN

A maintenance worker at Disneyland Paris has tested positive for coronavirus, the theme park said today.

However, the park will remain open with hand gel provided to visitors and guests told to keep their distance in the queue for rides, French media said.

Disneyland staff are now checking on colleagues who had been in contact with the infected worker, who tested positive over the weekend.

According to BFMTV, Disneyland insisted that the infected person had worked 'behind the scenes' and was 'not in contact' with visitors to the park.



  1. Maybe the House of congress will get some & No More
    Trump Witch-Hunts 2020 !!!! Close the House !!!!

  2. Sure hope they don't cancel Coachella! Coronavirus there sure could rid the world of some sanctimonious liberal celebrities!

  3. Can't lose a buck no matter what.

  4. 3/9/20 @ 9:48 PM...sorry, I meant cutest.


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