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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Coronavirus Latest: Ocean City, Maryland Couple On Cruise Ship Not Being Allowed To Enter Ports

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Two Marylanders are aboard a cruise ship that isn’t being allowed to enter a number of ports in the South Pacific amid fears of the coronavirus, their daughter told WJZ.

Jolene Atkins said her parents, Dottie and Ed Pinto, who are from Ocean City, Maryland, are stuck on a Norwegian Cruise Lines ship that has been turned away from multiple ports.

The 21-day cruise aboard the Norwegian Jewel had been set to visit Australia, New Zealand and French Polynesia before ending March 20 in Tahiti, the Pintos told their daughter.



  1. You aren't suggesting we feel sorry for them, are you?


  2. I believe they use to live in the Princess Anne area?????

  3. and dont let them back on the shore

  4. Got on the cruise with a full blown worldwide pandemic going on. Another bunch that thought it only affected others. Take that! It's what they deserve for downplaying the danger and not being prudent or cautious. Many are bringing woes upon themselves, with no one else to blame. But that won't stop them from trying to blame anybody else they can.

  5. Awww, quarantined on a cruise ship in the South Pacific. Lets all feel sorry for them.

  6. well I know a few people who are stuck on cruises to, it's called the us navy. don't here anyone crying about them! so cry me a river!
    They got what they paid for! you get on one of those floating petre dishes with all the other human scum on board you get what you deserve!

  7. If I had to choose between home and the cruise ship for virus control through isolation, I'd choose the ship.

  8. March 17, 2020 at 1:50 PM:

    Really? I'd rather be confined to my HOUSE, than a tiny cruise ship cabin.

  9. Leave them on the ship

  10. No one said they were confined to their cabin. There is a lot of things to do on a cruise ship. I also would rather be on a ship than stuck at home.

  11. so for years we have watched the news of cruise ship after cruise ship have breakouts of how many different viruses making everyone sicker then a dog and you want to sign up? can't fix stupid!

  12. It's the chance they took when they went on the cruise. They danced, now they gotta pay the fiddler. Do not let them come ashore!


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