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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Coronavirus Case Comfirmed On The Eastern Shore 3-15-2020

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March 15, 2020
Talbot County Announces First Confirmed Case of COVID-19
Easton, MD – County Council President Corey Pack has announced that Talbot County will declare a local State of Emergency on Monday following the confirmation by Health Officer Dr. Fredia Wadley that the county has its first confirmed case of COVID-19 disease.
The patient has been hospitalized after coming into contact with a person in another county infected with the COVID-19 virus. When the Talbot County resident developed symptoms, they were tested and found to be positive for the virus.
“Staff from the Health Department are contacting those who have been exposed to this person and, if they have symptoms, we are asking them to take appropriate measures,” says Dr. Fredia Wadley. “The proven public health method of managing the spread of such an infection is to identify cases and then isolate them and the people with whom they have had contact.”
To support the Health Department’s efforts in leading this response, Talbot County Emergency Services has activated its Emergency Operations Center (EOC). This coalition of community partners is working together to coordinate the county’s response and disseminate information about this public health crisis.
“We are in frequent contact with county and state officials and our private-sector partners,” says Director of Emergency Services Clay Stamp. “We are reviewing plans and deciding the best course of action to keep the residents of Talbot County safe and informed.”
The Talbot County EOC will be releasing information about the virus, including any new confirmed cases. Staff are currently posting information on the Talbot County Emergency Services website and on the DES Facebook page as it becomes available. The department also expects to launch a dedicated COVID-19 website this week that will summarize all of the county information and will allow hourly updates when indicated to keep residents informed.
“Our goal is to provide you with information that is timely, accurate, and credible,” says Stamp. “As soon as new cases are confirmed, we will immediately update the website and our Facebook page to reflect the number of confirmed cases in our county.”
Having a proven case of the virus in Talbot County of a person who has not traveled elevates official’s concerns. Healthcare professionals stress that elderly people with chronic conditions and those with weakened immune systems should avoid crowds and people who are sick.
“This new development underscores the need for increased testing,” says Dr. Wadley. “Anyone experiencing flu-like symptoms such as cough, fever, and shortness of breath should call their primary care physician immediately.”
Talbot County government offices will be closed to the public effective Tuesday, March 17. All staff will report for duty as assigned and will be answering phone calls and emails.
Information about Talbot County’s response to the coronavirus COVID-19, log on to talbotdes.org or visit the TalbotDES Facebook page.


  1. New jersey just shut down all restaurants and bars and will be having a curfew.....Maryland will be doing the same within the next week

  2. Big babies!You all will flop down on your backs as soon as someone tells you to.I'm ashamed to be part of your little sissy baby race.What a bunch of lily livered pansies.Does your mommy still change your diapers?Man up for heaven sakes and ignore this crap.My goodness you people are brain dead.This thing isn't even a threat compared to past issues.Now go buy some hand sanitizer like all of the other babies who never served.

    1. 7:20 - You have a serious problem.

    2. Don't be an ass. Learn science. Listen to folks who know about epidemiology. This is 10 times deadlier to folks with compromised immune systems. That might not be you, but could be someone in your family. Stop being selfish.

    3. Remember when military personnel was made of men. Now you get comments like this from them. This is what happens when over weight, low iq, cant figure out what gender you are, people are allowed to breeze through the military. They all pass - in school - in military - all winners just for attending.

    4. For real,7:46!

  3. It's very interesting that we never hear about all the people who currently have the seasonal flu or have died from the flu. Those numbers went totally out the window and the focus is now this crazy virus. One person in Talbot County and we are all doomed! Guess I better get my will in order.

  4. The Wilmington Catholic Parishs just shut down their OC churches. When might the bus drivers of OC expect to be shut down? An OC bus CAN be a "large gathering" that travels 10 miles at a time. If a driver hears sniffing and sneezing and wheezing, should they simply bail out before contracting anything? If they don't and contract the beer flu, is OC libel?

  5. This is the biggest bunch of nonsense. This thing is far less deadly than the seasonal flu.

    1. You are wrong.

    2. Learn some actual science and statistical analysis... this is 10 times deadlier than seasonal flu. Don't be a fool.

    3. .01 times 10 is 1%

    4. .01 x 10 = .1
      1% is 1.00

  6. I'm starting to suspect a government psyop.

  7. Come on Mayor of Ocean City. Let's enforce the Governor's Executive Order! Please close the Ocean City Bars that are attracting well over the limit of patrons. The Mayor must be held accountable for not enforcing the Executive Order.

    1. You know all the people from the city will be relocating to the beach house to wait this out.

      If they are able to get here they will. One more week or so and we will see all those empty summer homes filled with the owners.

  8. The foolish deniers are the dangerous ones. It's not deadly to healthy or younger people, but it's novel, meaning nobody has seen it before, meaning people are very likely to catch it. It's the sick and elderly who are in danger of dying (and are doing so). So the healthy can spread it around, killing those less healthy. That's the problem. How hard is it to understand. It's not all about you...

    1. Healthy younger people in China also died. The numbers are worse for older people. But it is dangerous for everyone.

      And I agree with you, out of everyone I talk to it's a lot of me, me, and more me. With little concern for others.

  9. 8:23 Correction, Communist psyop. Bio warfare. Yup.

  10. They are way too close to each other!!! I’m just saying!!! 6ft!!!!

  11. 720 is high risk.

  12. PRMC is not testing.

  13. Actually I'm not high risk.Watching all of you make lemmings of yourself by following stay home orders makes me sick.This is purely political.

    1. 12:04- What no kids out playing for you to scream at? Being careful is being a lemming? Who said they were staying home? Are you stupid or something? Also, nevered served, but pretty sure I got your number. The little dogs bark the most.

  14. We had a confirmed at PRMC, a prisoner, and I am shocked no one has let that out yet! You shouldn’t panicking it’s the old Corona not the new but no one wants to hear that

    1. Stop the rumors. The health department must report cases. If there was one - we all would know. Since you’re declaring “we”, are you now the official spokes person for the hospital ?

    2. The Corona virus is alot of viruses, And apparently chances are you've encountered a Corona virus. You say it's an older varient, well that's good because other varients have been around a long time and the new one is the problematic one.

  15. And how will we pay our bills as this goes on and people do not et paid? This feels like the black swan event that the globalist have been begging for.

  16. 8:23 Correction, Communist psyop. Bio warfare. Yup.

    When this is all over we will go back to treating China just as before. We need to cut all business/product ties with that cesspool of a country. Maybe, just maybe people will be willing to pay more for things after this disaster, but I somehow doubt it!!

  17. keep buying your cheap junk from the commies you fools! you let the business leaders and political class sell your stupid asses down the river for a cheap buck, was it worth it?

  18. So, what "other county"???? And without naming names, how do we know if we've been in contact with either one of them? You people are not doing anything but spreading panic. Either help us out or stfu.

  19. Everything needs to be closed down for a month and then after that limited hours till this virus has gone. Here on the shore we are isolated and could very well die for lack of care we have no competent hospitals here.

  20. Interesting the comments about ceasing business with China. Consider this...one can buy a pair of Eddie Bauer shoes at Sam's for $39. What would those shoes cost if made in America? $100? $130? China has no interest in human rights, they have millions and millions needing work to eke out a living and work for pennies on the dollar. While I am a capitalist we have managed to wreck our monetary system with ridiculously high wages leading to ridiculously high prices and pricing ourselves out of the game leading to many out of work, no capital improvements, and entitlements. Sounds doom and gloom, sorry, but perhaps we need to readjust.

    1. ceo's need to adjust first, the gap between management and manual labor is far, far, too wide. How can a company ceo justify a salary of millions a year while paying the actual workers minimum wages?

    2. Fiat currency and financial "engineering" the true culprits.

    3. To promote - hard work, education, persistence, dedication, determination, etc... Thats how.

    4. 2:01 - Keep doing what your master says, you are a good little sheep

  21. Mother Theresa never wavered from ministering to the poor and sick of Calcutta. living and caring for those with all kinds of contagious diseases.
    The church cancels all masses, hence they aren't here for us in our hour of need. Will we be there in theirs? They are more worried about the money they are losing then saving souls and helping the less fortunate!
    Are our Priest hired hands or men of God!

    1. Amen. Many Christians risk their lives to worship because it is the way to honor God. Their FAITH leads them to do this with danger at their backs. The real danger is in stepping away during these times.

  22. Its interesting to see that we living downstream past Talbot county are not involved or considered in the planning. Oh! I forgot we are not a part of the eastern shore community...

  23. What is really behind America's businesses charging higher prices -they won't give up a penny in profit.

  24. Here's a thought for all you naysayers. If I hear either of my adult children saying this thing is not a threat, and complain about the steps being taken to protect the public because it only kills old people, and I will disinherit them both. They will not be rewarded for wanting old people (parents and grandparents) dead, so they can live a life of Riley. And I'm "dead" serious. I heard enough crap about how nobody cares if its just old people dying. Keep trying to downplay it. More seniors need to take a stand against the younger generation that just wants the money, sooner rather than later. My kids won't get mine unless they have some concern for my life. Inheritances aren't automatic, and my kids aren't entitled to it. It will be a gift, freely given, if they are to get it. But don't wish me dead. Some charity will be glad to get it. Needless to say, if I'm dead, I don't need it.

    1. If your generation was so worried about FAMILY why is there so many broken families in this country? You raised all the younger generation. Maybe you should of been more worried about family now it wouldn't be coming back to bite you.

      If you even have to question whether or not your children will care for you and then threaten them with some inheritance BS then it doesnt sound like you were the best parent pushing family values when it was needed.

  25. Over regulation and over taxation are the reasons for inflation. When gov spends their time thinking of every way they can rake it all in from businesses and every living soul....so they can waste and pillage it for themselves while everyone else suffers....

  26. All of us older folks here on the Eastern Shore are going to be dead in a few weeks because of this virus. You younger people won't stop drinking and doing all you want regardless of the danger to your elders. While I can I just want to thank you for killing me. I will haunt you all the rest of your days!

    1. Agree to stop driving 20 in a 50 or just stop driving period and we will reflect on our actions as well.

  27. Why do we import Corona in bottles? Why do we still allow this stuff in our country if it kills people?

  28. If you have any extra money now is the time to invest in funeral home stock, or Bates casket company. Projected deaths for this pandemic are up to one million US deaths in addition to the regular deaths.

  29. "ceo's need to adjust first,"

    If the CEO of a company was successful in creating that company, why does he owe you anything for being successful? You would be better off sending the CEO a letter of thanks for creating the job that HE created, not one that you think you deserve.

    1. Sbj, that ceo didn't create anything by himself, he gained from the loyalty of others. Chances are, he's not even capable of tying a shoe, but can talk a good story, and get paid well for doing it.

  30. Please make the font larger for these official reports.


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