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Thursday, March 05, 2020

Children suffering from sleep loss and lack of appetite as a result of 'climate anxiety': Study

A survey commissioned in the United Kingdom found that children are experiencing bad dreams or having trouble eating because they are concerned about climate change.

The results of a joint effort between BBC's Newsround and marketing firm Savanta ComRes, which were released Tuesday, showed nearly 1 in 5 children admitted to having a bad dream about climate change. Seventeen percent of respondents indicated their sleeping and eating habits had been affected by their concerns.

The study asked 2,000 young people between the ages of 8 and 16 a series of questions about their attitudes on climate change and the environment. An overwhelming majority, 73%, said they were worried about the state of the planet.



  1. MORE Common Core LIES being shoved down their throats. Indoctrination is not a pretty thing under any circumstances.

  2. Male cow fecal matter!

  3. Fascist brainwashing

  4. Take away their phones and give them some outside chores to do.


  5. This is a direct result of leftist climate hysteria, and will have long-lasting effects.

    I'd call it child abuse.

  6. Vaccine injuries include aluminum toxicity, and mercury poisoning.

    Then there is the extremely poor diet of most Americans. The population allowed for-profit corporations to control its health!

    Then the Tell-a-Vision from Hollywood and New York. Unbelievably damaging psychological trauma being introduced in high definition and surround sound. Again, an witting population allowed 6 corporations to control their entertainment content.

  7. My kids went to Holly Grove Christian school and slept great!

  8. I think it's probably because they don't have proper parenting.

  9. Kids need a mentor and they will find one even if it a crazy Climate Control freak. As a kid I lived in Western Pennsylvania and my greatest fear was tornadoes - yes with all those mountains I feared tornadoes - very slim. I picked up that fear from watching TV. It's ashame our children are being mislead.

  10. There's plenty of adults that believe in this man made global warming B.S.too.

    The earth has been warming for the last 200 years. It's not man made!

  11. They are also scared of the boogey man and a monster under their beds. They're kids.


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