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Thursday, March 05, 2020

Bill to expand Maryland sales tax is defeated

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WBFF) - Maryland lawmakers have defeated a bill that would expand the state sales tax, to help fund the Kirwan education plan.

"Given tremendous concern from the public and from small business owners, the Revenues Subcommittee voted unanimously to kill HB 1628, the proposal to expand the sales tax to cover most services," Del. Eric Luedtke, who sponsored the bill, said in a statement tonight. "Instead, we moved a smaller, well thought out package of revenue bills."

Business owners who had expressed concern about the tax expansion included real-estate agents.



  1. Yup. Get ready Wicomico County Council. The State will now push that expense to fully fund the Kirwan education plan solely upon the county. Does the proposed 2021 operating budget include these added expenses?

  2. Call it what it is, the Kirwan e w teacher raise.

  3. WE should pay NO taxes > make the Govt support Itself !!!

    They can Print $$$$$ > We can't & don't have enough !!!!

  4. If they propose new spending, they have to raise the revenue to fund it. It is the law (balanced budget). Now they will have to find another way. I just read where in addition to adding other goods and services to the sales tax, the proposal included rolling back the sales tax to 5%, down from the 6% that O'malley raised it to. I wonder what they are going to tax now to cover their insatiable appetite for spending.

  5. The teachers I know (a lot) don't deserve a sales tax increase to give them even more money. They are already killing me in taxes at the County level, and they are already making more that most other college educated people with a four year degree. And the benefits can't be beat. Real nice pensions and healthcare for life. All already funded by taxes. No sympathy for teachers. Just do your job!

  6. Teachers have bled the counties for all they can get. Now they are trying to bleed the entire state for even more.

  7. We need qualified teachers before any raises are considered. The majority of the ones we have now aren't worth what they are already getting. In fact, a lot of them are getting way too much.

  8. ....until next years session.


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