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Monday, March 09, 2020

'As ye sow, so shall ye reap': Howard Dean implies Elise Stefanik deserved note telling her to 'rot in hell'

Former Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean appeared to imply that Rep. Elise Stefanik deserved a “vile” note that was left on her car while she was grocery shopping with her husband.

Stefanik, one of the youngest women elected to Congress, said Saturday that she found a note on her car that read, “Rot in hell FASCIST PIG,” after a shopping trip.

"It is truly sad that the radical Far-Left cannot see beyond their vicious hate," the New York Republican tweeted. "My husband and I went grocery shopping this morning before district events and enjoyed chatting with constituents throughout the store. This vile anonymous note was left on our car."



  1. That comment is more for the far left liberal communist such as Pelosi, Schumer, Dean and those other Democrats that are attempting to destroy US democracy.

  2. Remember the opposite effect qhen dealing with democrat..they lie and anything they say you are doing is reversed..its what they ARE ACTUALLY DOING

  3. Another “also ran” with nothing new or meaningful to contribute.

  4. if it were the other way around, it would be treated as a hate crime.

  5. 2:37 glad someone else sees this


  6. Help me out. How many times was Howard Dean elected President?

  7. Remember that when demoncrats are held accountable(?) for the crap they have done for the past 4 years.


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