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Friday, March 06, 2020

Andrew Yang explains to Joy Behar why AOC is not old enough to be vice president

Former 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang had to explain to The View's Joy Behar why Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not old enough to be vice president.

On Thursday's show, Behar suggested the 30-year-old New York Democrat would be a good choice.

“Besides yourself, who do you think would be a great VP?” Behar asked Yang during Thursday's show on ABC.

"I do think that if Joe [Biden] is the front-runner, which he is right now, he needs to shore up his support among young people in particular, and I think his running mate might have a good opportunity to do that,” Yang said.

"AOC would actually be a good choice, except she’s a Bernie person,” Behar said.

Meghan McCain interjected: "She’s also not old enough."

"She’s not?" Behar asked. "As a VP?”



  1. Liberals are so clueless. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

  2. Joy is not intelligent enough to clean toilets for a living. This is worthless human debris jabbering nonsense.
    Why is this show relevant and on the air?

  3. She is about one friggin idiot.

  4. We learned that in 9th grade Joy!
    you know... the same time we learned about the Constitution and our rights.
    you must have slept through civics class

  5. Women on the view are Deblasio voters.

  6. He's either going to pick Stacey Abrams or Elizabeth Warren. I would see him picking Abrams because he can click off two pandering requirements with one, black and female.

  7. She can be an Intern for Biden though !!!!


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