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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

'Almost no one there': De Blasio defends hitting the gym after warning against it during coronavirus pandemic

There was "almost no one" at the gym Bill de Blasio visited after telling everyone to avoid going to public gyms, he said.

The New York City mayor visited a YMCA on Monday morning to get in a workout one day after announcing that restaurants, bars, and gyms would be closing to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus. He defended the decision on Monday afternoon, saying, "There was almost no one there."

"I had heard that information prior,” he explained. “I suspected that we were all going to be about to close them down, and this would be the last time to get some exercise.”



  1. The elites get frustrated when Goyim fail to understand their elitist qualities, if the little people would get out of their way, the elites can run our lives.

    Get out of the gyms so the can exercise!
    Get out of the Speedpass Lanes so they can travel quickly!

  2. Rules are for the lesser class, he is above the law

  3. he's busy spreading libtard disease to everyone there!

  4. Idiot! Typical left-wing ideology - I'm better than you are. Do as I say, not as I do.

  5. You can't enter a "closed" gym

  6. So he says he went to the YMCA gym to work out to remain healthy enough to make important decisions about the health of New Yorkers.
    Does he believe that New Yorkers are so stupid as to believe this?
    What an ego...

  7. That's a socialist for you. Only the elites are exempt from the rules. Rules are e made by the elites for the masses, not them. Kind of like congress.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Idiot! Typical left-wing ideology - I'm better than you are. Do as I say, not as I do.

    March 17, 2020 at 1:00 PM

    AGREE 100 %

  9. HIPOCRITE !!! Like the rest of Democrats !!!!

  10. Just when we want to think that maybe Bill is truthful.....


  11. I'm sure he is thruthful when he stated " there was hardly anyone there". That's not the point - he is a leaderπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ and you do not set the rules for everyone else and not abide by them yourself. Typical Democrat or he is just stupid.

  12. NYC won't miss him if he gets sick. Guy doesn't work.


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