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Thursday, March 26, 2020

Airline Set to Give Massive Pay Hikes as Taxpayer Bailout Advances

As the airline industry is poised to receive billions in federal handouts amid the coronavirus pandemic, union members working for American Airlines will vote Thursday to approve a new collective bargaining agreement that includes immediate pay hikes and a $6,000 signing bonus.

Top airlines in March asked congressional leaders for $29 billion in handouts, warning of "draconian measures such as furloughs" caused by the outbreak. But behind the scenes, American Airlines moved forward with an expensive new agreement. A union guide on the deal obtained by the Washington Free Beacon lists immediate pay raises of up to 18 percent, a bonus of up to $6,000 for all members, and increased vacation time. As members geared up for the Thursday vote, Congress reached a deal on a stimulus bill that would include $25 billion in subsidies to industry giants, including American Airlines.



  1. What about 25 million for the Kennedy Center?
    Thanks Nancy Pelosi

  2. I drove past the salisbury airport yesterday. No cars in the parking lot. Is the airport closed?

  3. When will you clowns be tired of being slaves?????? Ever????

  4. 9:18 You allow them to do this so what is your problem with it????

  5. Its obvious this was a deal that has been getting hammered out way before any of you even heard the word coronavirus. Stop with the crap hit pieces and gotcha journalism that is all about generating clicks, not informing you. Being that most of those workers are blue collar, I would expect most of you to be cheering.

  6. Pull back the money and let them fend for themselves. Is there anyone in government at all with any guts???????????

  7. She NEVER gets Punished !!! Sick of it

  8. Top execs will Rob the Bank > the Federal Slush Fund !!!

  9. And they will make our seats even smaller and charge more for luggage


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