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Sunday, March 08, 2020

A Viewer Writes......Travel teams 3-4-2020

Joe, can you please share so others in our community don’t make my mistake. I think, like myself, parents are lead to spend money they don’t have on false promises, and used car salesmen tactics.

I just want to make others aware of my stupid mistake, and I admit I was completely, utterly stupid. 

Please look into every organization further before you sign your child up. I won’t have the organization name on here but I am sure people will know or know one like it. 

So I got caught up in the glitz and glimmer of childhood sports and how my child maybe the next babe Ruth. Well I was wooed into a sports team with the other gullible parents, paying well over $1,000 closer to $1500.

What does that cover? Nothing absolutely nothing! I have to pay extra for jerseys, and sports games. Wow just wow. I have to then on top of all this do freaking fundraising, I am begging my friends to give me money to pay for nothing. The fundraising money goes to the organization to place in the bank account then strictly limit how the “team” spends it. 

The training is horrendous in a subpar facility with basic Dads coaching. 

Please don’t make my mistake and hand over your hard earned money to a travel team that does not travel, that constantly plays the same kids they play every weekend. 

I also have concern for some families that they are forking over all this money to these teams and they have nothing in savings.
Just please don’t make my mistakes, next year I will look harder for a more reasonably priced team, with out all the drama and forced fundraising. Buyer beware before signing up.


  1. Have watched many friends pay alot of money for the same thing, now their boys are even playing baseball anymore, not even in college.
    I guess they go burnt out. We almost made that mistake, glad we didn't.
    Having your kids in a few different activities is much better.
    Just my opinion.

  2. Ok, let your kids sit home and play Fortnite 24/7. Lots more to learn and get from playing on a travel sports team than just playing in college. You cant see the forest for the trees....

    1. Just because you’re not playing travel ball doesn’t ’t mean you’re playing Fortnight. Lots of free or inexpensive sports around that can keep a child engaged without having to pay for travel.
      Yes you can learn a few things with travel or any sport for that matter, leadership, teamwork and inner strength. But bad too like favoritism. It’s just another level of little league if you are the coach, assistant or friend of. But life’s not all rainbows and sunshine. Gotta say I loved it all, even the bad taught a lesson of what the world is really like. What a great family activity.

  3. Subpar Coaches with records and addictions. That's what we got. Want to know where all that moneys goes?? Lot's of those coaches are PAID. That's right paid. Know what else?? If the Coach has a kid in the organization; they don't pay for it. It's a paid boys club and a racket. Get out now!!

  4. The reasonably priced team is called your local Little League. If you really want to do your child a favor then get them in different sports and activities year round. Don't force them into "Elite Travel Teams" just to satisfy your delusions of grandeur. If your son or daughter makes it to the top it will be because of hard work and genetics, probably 50/50. Let your kid be a kid and everything will work itself out.

  5. Little league rocks for baseball! For football, lacrosse, soccer, field hockey & wrestling The Fruitland Falcons is top notch organization to be a part of

  6. if your kid is good enough, it will show playing High School baseball. Then hopefully he can get a scholarship. Start your kid playing little league and let his skills develop. Travel ball teams are a complete racket.

    1. High School baseball is the same as travel ball. Coaches play favorites. I went to JMB in the early seventies. Smoot and Art Little were the coaches. Smoot actively recruited black kids regardless of talent. Art Little was jv coach. Of course his son was on team. It was all about money and politics , much like it is today.

    2. Not true, if your child gets into an odp program with the state via travel teams he will develop and be noticed. We are talking junior Olympic athletes here though. So if thats the case for your child, or maybe you just want your child to experience that kind of environment, then its not a racket at all.

  7. Here’s a thought from a very old dad, who has been there and done that...

    Let them play to have fun - skip the glitz and let them be kids. If they develop real talent it won’t be until HS. I have seen so many wanna be coach dad types trying to relive their subpar glory days where they were nothing more than legends in their own minds.... just let the kids have fun, learn to be part of a team, and don’t take it too seriously

    Or don’t, and pay a ton of money for nothing

  8. There are cheaper options such ss the Salvation Army and Parks & Recs and Crown. Those AAU travel teams are a rip off.

  9. The Skatepark is free

  10. Travel teams are for over developed children. Who are elite athletes. The tournaments these children go to all cost money just to enter the tournaments. Thats where your money goes. Plus everything else you need to pay for and purchase out of pocket when traveling.

    Dont complain, its not a used car sales tactic. If you cant afford it or your child doesnt need to be in a odp just dont do it.

    Trust me if your child is that good and you cant afford it others on the team and coaches will foot your bill themselves. Just to have your child on the team.

    If you dont want your child in odp then just put them in your regular little league. Travel teams exist for a reason though, they cost money and fundraising is done by them all.

    No conspiracy here. Travel teams have been like this for decades. Has your team not traveled yet cause the traveling tournaments havent started yet maybe? Alot is involved in travel teams takes effort and time from the parents as well.

  11. Soccer and little league are scams. Get your kids into swimming or cross country- doesn't cost much, doesn't suck up your weekends.
    both are sports where you are always competing against your last best time, and even if you aren't a star, you put points on the board for your team.

  12. Are you familiar with the expression, "A boat is a hole in the water into which you throw your money"?

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Are you familiar with the expression, "A boat is a hole in the water into which you throw your money"?

    March 4, 2020 at 4:05 PM

    Yes, I have experienced that myself and swore I would never own a boat again. And I haven't.

  14. My autistic child prided on being the I in team, so thankfully never had to worry about it.

  15. Travel teams are a business like any other. They are a profit making business for parents with too much money, and egos to match. They want to buy an advantage for their kids. Sounds like those college scams currently in the news.


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