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Sunday, March 08, 2020

A Viewer Writes: In Response to Your Inquiry- Salisbury Zoo

You are correct! I didn't doubt it but wanted to see what they would say...The animals ARE in danger of being removed and I hope it doesn't happen, but their well being is more important than anything else.

Thank you for your inquiry. You are correct that the Salisbury Zoo was denied accreditation by AZA in September, 2019 due to not meeting standards. As a result, it is possible that the zoo could lose some of its animals because some, though not all, are on loan from other AZA-accredited institutions.



Cheri Bermudez
Accreditation Programs Coordinator 
Association of Zoos & Aquariums
8403 Colesville Road, Suite 710
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3314

Publishers Notes: I am not at liberty to state what I know about the exact details as to why the Zoo lost their accreditation at this time. However, I will tell you it is a LOT more serious than the Daily Times even attempted to state and those SOB's in the Mayor's office and Zoo will get exposed over time. 


  1. It was suggested to me that maybe Jake Day is trying to run the Zoo into the ground on purpose because he has friends who want that property.

    We have seen him to similar actions with property downtown as well.

    1. Not friends
      Fellow Travelers at the PNC building downtown

    2. Again. Here’s a harsh reality. It costs a ton of money to operate a zoo. More money than the public wants to believe and more money than the city has available for all the other services and deteriorating infrastructure the city is responsible to maintain. The cost course of action for the long term benefit of Salisbury is to close down the zoo. Sorry. But a harsh reality.

    3. Reality check- the PEOPLE have supported a zoo for decades. It was once one of the best small zoo's in America. It is only the last few mayors and councils who want to spend that money on feel good projects like rainbow sidewalks, a folk festival few care about and way underused bike lanes! There is your zoo funding that has been budgeted for decades with no complaints from the community!!

  2. Not all are on loan from AZA. Yeah we still have the geese... For now.

    1. Atleast the ones that weren't "removed" anyway...

  3. What a shame. We took our kids to the Salisbury Zoo so many times when they were growing up that people thought my wife worked there. What a lovely hometown venue. We were thrilled to take our granddaughter there last summer. Now this. Good Luck Salisbury, you asked for Jakey Poo, you got him.

  4. When I first moved here, I was so impressed with the small zoo. I always took our son when he was a child and now I take my grandchildren. It would be so sad to loose the Zoo. So many children usr Ben's Red Swings playground there are always buses of young children visiting. What can be done to save our Zoo.

    1. You know that donation box that you walk passed each time you visit the zoo? Next time, drop $20 per each person in your party that visits the zoo. That may help.

    2. For jake to waste on paint and murals ?

  5. It would be a blessing (to the animals especially), to close that zoo down. I have seen the poor animals in dire straits when it has rained really hard. They struggle to keep their heads above water with no place to go but where there's more water. They need room to roam and lots of it.

  6. If I remember correctly salisbury zoo back in the 70's was named one of the best small town zoos

  7. Maybe the zoo will become another artist colony

  8. Not all are on loan from AZA. Yeah we still have the geese... For now.
    March 4, 2020 at 7:44 AM

    Until movie night at the amphitheater, they have a pre-movie event where they kill off the geese to pretty up the place, so you wont have to sit in goose poop

  9. Myself and another Salisbury citizen posted comments on WBOC's news page with their coverage of this story this morning. By noon WBOC deleted both our comments and buried the story. Both of us left non supportive mayoral comments, nothing expletive or derogatory. It seems WBOC won't have any of that.

  10. Anonymous said...
    You know that donation box that you walk passed each time you visit the zoo? Next time, drop $20 per each person in your party that visits the zoo. That may help.

    March 4, 2020 at 3:28 PM

    I bet most would be concerned with the workers keeping the money for themselves.

  11. It's funny that WBOC has a helicopter, multiple radio and television studios, and channels, a radio station, and few web sites, and claim to be Delmarva's news leader, but can't find anyone able to read a teleprompter, but Steve Hammond! I grew up with that talking head, so credit for keeping a job that long. I guess Lisa Spicer was not the illiterate tarts they are hiring for their Sunday night news. This is the only time I witness their broadcast as my DVR records all the prime time programming on that, now Fox network, as I record Family Guy and Bob's Burgers on Sundays. It keeps recording until after the news, despite I never programmed it to. I've seen 3 minority females solely reporting the news over the last 2 months on WBOC. I usually give it a few minutes to witness how pathetic "Delmarva's news leader" must think its viewers are.

    It's like watching a scripted, written by Fred Rogers, or more commonly known as Mr Rogers, stating, "It's okay neighbors, here is the Mayor of the Land of Make Believe."

    "Everything checks out. We are weeding out the racists, and welcoming the unicorn believers. We got people making baskets, dancing weirdly, and making white people feel extremely uncomfortable, which was our intention for our upcoming pride parade and folk festival. We're running out the establishment from downtown. Gonna get some new blood. We are gonna take a historical downtown building and turn it into Student housing for some reason. My old landlord told me to do last night in a dream, when we were building a go-cart for the NASCAR race."

    That's how WBOC is not Delmarva's news source. They don't care about the news. They need the money and will spin anything to get it. The same with CNN, MSNBC, POLITICO, WASHINGTON POST, NEW YORK TIMES, REDDIT, etc. Virtually everyone the left doesn't complain about. If they don't think you realize it by now, how stupid do they think you are?

    To the trolls, why don't you consider that? Stop being ignorant! This is the best site to find out anything the corrupt Salisbury government doesn't want you to know.


  12. 3:28, Climb back down, son. You haven't a clue. Come back to Earth. Rather, come back to common sense. First, you are judging others with absolutely no knowledge about them. You assume they don't donate, and then you come up with what they should donate. Who the hell are you, and what made you the know all in the adequate amount of donations? You can piss off with that B.S. What has your ignorant, pompous d!ckhead donated to the zoo? You Mook! Second, if they are city home owners, their taxes pay for it already. Third, you are displacing blame from the people who are in charge of actual living creatures for inhumane treatment. Their welfare is not at the hands of tourists or anyone else but the zoo keepers! How insanely stupid are you?!!!! There is no excuse that you can come up with, to permit inferior or inhumane treatment of innocent animals other than blaming the care givers, the management, and the institution itself. Any argument you have shows you are a part of the problem, you have no conscious, and are likely among the idiot individuals heading Salisbury's mayor staff. You are just a horrible person, or just a regular idiot. Either, or, what is stupid like? I bet it's bliss!


  13. March 4, 2020 at 8:21 PM

    damn dude, I hope you feel better after that rant.

  14. The Capt Willie segment on WBOC earlier today was the zoo! I caught the last few seconds but I doubt he mentioned the possible repo of the animals.

  15. Please shut it down. That poor Red Wolf pacing back and forth just breaks my heart. Let him go along with the rest. It's truly a pathetic zoo.

  16. So I went to the zoo this weekend and was heartbroken! The Ocelot is gone, the capabarra are gone, the spider monkeys are gone. The cotton top monkeys are gone. The wolf exhibit was empty. Alot of the owls are gone! The coati are gone! Looks like they are already removing the animals. Their exhibits now say they are being redesigned! More Lies!!!!!!!!


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