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Sunday, March 29, 2020

1st Patient Dies At PRMC From Coronavirus


  1. Our daughter in-law works there and we are aware of how much you have done for our community and continue to do. God Bless the family and the PRMC family. Thank you for all that you do.

  2. And there you go, covidiots. It's deadly, and it's here. Believe it yet? Or do you or a loved one have to get it or die before you take it seriously?

  3. It's only going to get worse. Over 200 more cases today than yesterday.

  4. Details? What age group was the patient? Where have they recently traveled? These lack of details are why people are anxious.

    1. St Mary's health department site lists date,time and location of places where confirmed cases were so at least you know if you might have been possibly exposed.

    2. That will come from the Governor

  5. How are they getting away with not reporting all of the cases they really have? The employees there are telling the community the truth but the health department continues to lie.

    1. The employees need to keep their mouths shut before they lose their jobs

    2. You are a moron. You are being lied to and that’s the comment you make? Nothing being said are HIPPA violations and who at PRMC right now do you think has time to worry about firing anyone.

  6. The sad fact is many health care workers in regional facilities have little experience with this protocol the proper protection and the technical know how of using ventilators in these circumstances. I feel for them and their families they are the ones in the trenches on this one.

  7. PRMC has had a reputation of those who are very sick....

    normally die there

    1. Worldwide fatal pandemic and you bash PRMC for one death. Idiot.

  8. 11:39 AM It is their overall reputation.

    Has nothing to do with the recent death. Fair or unfair. We have all had good and bad experiences there.

    Most recently was a friend who died because they missed her cancer and told her it was a hernia. Never ran a test to verify.

    1. That s them for sure. My grandparent liked to died until I threaten to sue if he did. A sinus attack was all of sudden a slow heart attack after they reviewed the "xray" and told my grandmother to bring him back. Years later I took EKG classes and learned a xray doesn't show, a echocardiogram does. Smh I was solo mad and till this day I trust them like I trust a thief in the night.

    2. Thank you to all Heath care workers!

  9. I agree that PMRC is not capable of
    handling the Coronvirous victims. I would go elsewhere - John's Hopkins. PRMC would be good only for screening.

  10. Peninsula

  11. March 28, 2020 at 11:13 AM:

    If you have been practicing social distancing and self quarantining, you have nothing to worry about. And if you have already been exposed, it's too late to do anything about it. Your questions are moot.

    1. This virus is in the air all of us breathe. Mask help, but are not 100% effective because there is not a tight seal on the face. Plus your eyes can absorb the virus. Social distancing is a joke. Some people will not be affected by it, others will. It depends on each individuals immune system. Vitamin C might help.

  12. March 28, 2020 at 11:13 AM:

    People are only anxious if they haven't been obeying the guidelines. Don't blame it on any lack of details.

  13. March 28, 2020 at 11:54 AM:

    And what do you do with that information that you "might have been exposed?" Panic? Rush out into the public and expose everyone to YOU, while you try to get a test? Covidiots like you are still the leading cause of the spread. You just don't get it yet. Stay home and follow the guidelines is the best you can do. If you don't, then you are part of the problem. That information means nothing if you aren't following the guidelines. It won't prevent you from being exposed.

  14. I had a chest xray with a spot on my lungs. ER doctor never said a word. Everything is fine.

    I went and got a copy of the results for myself and found it. Lucky me.

  15. PRMC and the County are putting the population at risk by not being transparent. They are "trying to protect the Hippa" rights of the dead by endangering the living. Time for someone to threaten them with a lawsuit to force them to give us the needed information.

    1. Looks like to me you certainly have no problem reading this blog.

  16. I just don't understand how Dorchester county can have no cases. I know these watermen farmers are tough but 0 cases unbelievable.

    1. Rednecks shivering in there huts.

    2. I'm hearing nurses are Sick.

  17. The virus is being passed around PRMC on everyone's shoes going from room to room!

  18. And why do we never hear of any cases (or not) in Alaska? They are one of our 50 states.

  19. March 28, 2020 at 5:54 PM:

    And YOUR qualifications to pass out advice us are???? I'll answer, ZILCH!

  20. Still no word about the death at AGH?!?

  21. Anon 5:54. Where did you get your Medical Degree? Vitamin C?? What a joke. What else, don't go outside with your hair wet? How about rub Vicks on your chest? The virus is not floating in the air. Stop spreading absurd fears.

  22. Where did you get your medical degree? Maybe you need to read a little more. It was determined 2 weeks ago that contagious coronavirus particles can live in the air for up to 3 hours.


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