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Monday, February 03, 2020

White House told Bolton to scrub classified info from book before publishing

The White House National Security Council told former National Security Adviser John R. Bolton that he couldn’t publish his book manuscript, now sought by Democrats to bolster their case in President Trump’s impeachment trial, unless he deleted top-secret material.

NSC senior director for records Ellen Knight told Mr. Bolton’s lawyer, Charles Cooper, in a letter obtained by The Washington Times that the book manuscript “appears to contain significant amounts of classified information.”

“It also appears that some of this classified information is at the TOP SECRET level,” she wrote on Jan. 23.


[Revealing classified information to unauthorized people is a federal crime under the Espionage Act of 1917. Former CIA officer Jeffrey Sterling was sentenced to 3 1/2 years in prison for leaking classified information to a New York Times reporter. --Editor]


  1. An ex Defense sec thats not intelligent enough to know not to put classified intel in a book for the world to see?!?! wth is going on here?

  2. Top Secret? You mean the clearance level that Kushner still isn't able to get despite being in charge of the middle east?

  3. 947 ba dum tsss. Since when did the white house become a family business. I'm sure they aren't relaying any information to Trump inc.

    1. You cry babies still sore over Schiffs folly ??? Hahaha

  4. I trust Bolton more that this administration

    1. The week before Schiff was calling Bolton the biggest liar in the Administration’s lol Now you want him as a best buddy baaahaaaa. I’ll let you in on a little secret... Bolton and Trump trolled you idiots

  5. 154
    You are correct
    Thank you


  6. It takes a special kind of stupid, and arrogance, to have been in the most sensitive councils and, after leaving under a cloud, to then brazenly violate the conditions of your security clearance.

    I've read, unconfirmed, that he shared his manuscript with friends for feedback. Whether they also hold clearances or not he put them in legal jeopardy.

    In time we'll find the leaker chain to the NYT; hopefully the full weight of the law will hit all those involved.

    In the interim, all the good Bolton has done across the years has been compromised. Hope he loses his clearance and never gets it back. It's that serious.

  7. Bolton yeh he is one of the NWO deep state useful idiots..works and supports the luciferian agenda


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