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Sunday, February 09, 2020

Two DEMOCRATS confront Nancy Pelosi over her ripping of Donald Trump's speech, telling speaker it was 'disrespectful' and 'inappropriate'

Two freshman House Democrats confronted Nancy Pelosi on Thursday over her ripping up the text of President Trump's State of the Union address, telling the speaker her actions were 'inappropriate' and 'disrespectful.'

Reps. Joe Cunningham of South Carolina and Ben McAdams of Utah confronted Pelosi on the House floor when lawmakers were voting on a Republican resolution that expressed disapproval of the speaker's tearing up the president's remarks.

Democrats easily defended the GOP effort to publicly chastise Pelosi, voting to table the resolution 224 to 193.



  1. Were are the Federal Judges now ??? Punish her Finally !!!

  2. So I was just listening to don rush on public radio this morning. He had on a liberal SU professor, a guy from the center for American progress and Barrie Tilghman on versus one Republican. That four liberals and one conservative. Tell my why my tax dollars are funding NPR again?

  3. It was petty, it was destructive, it was wrong.

  4. What happen to the Democrat favorite saying "no one is above the law". Proves they are true to their Democrat hypocritical ways.

  5. Nancy has lost he mind due to TDS...She never was too bright, but this kicked her over the edge along with the majority of the DEMS...she's fighting for her life now as she knows Q is about the expose her and her cronies in the Deep State...MOST DEMS, and some Republicans. It will be epic...Are you ready for the ride of your life?

  6. She responded to them, “I did exactly what the script called to do”.

    She is no rocket scientist
    She is a tool for the international banking families

  7. She is the DEVIL , so don't expect anything Good from her !!!

  8. and some guy married this "thing"? how would you like to snuggle up with that witch?

  9. Pelosi is just another Hillary entitled, and totally not a Christian, she needs to be impeached now not later. Let her know what impeachment means and that her 15 minutes of attention is long over.

  10. Barrie Tilghman, who, while mayor, was refused as a delegate for her own party in a presidential primary? I think that we might thank Joe Albero for that, as he exposed what a poor public official she was.

  11. So do your job and vote in November

  12. Let HER Impeachment Last FOREVER !!!

  13. 18 US code section 2071-Concealment, removal or mutilation generally.
    This is a felony punishable by up to 3 years in prison.
    Where are the US marshals that aren’t doing their job?

  14. I am 73 years old and never in my life have I seen such disrespect from a high ranking politician as Nancy Pelosi. Why don't we year up the work order that puts fuel in the American taxpayers jet that flies Nancy back and forth to San Francisco every. Did you know her workweek is Tuesday thru Thursday. Wouldn't you like that work schedule. She is not worth it.

  15. The democrats power comes from voting as one, like socialism and unions, and not individuals. Like communists, democrats must toe the party line. Every vote must be for the party, and not the ones they supposedly represent. It's why democrats hate the "Bill of Rights" in the constitution that gives Americans INDIVIDUAL rights that are unalienable, and can not be taken away by the government. The house democrats will follow Pelosi, like lemmings, wherever she leads them in the house.

  16. It was SUICIDE > LOVE IT keep digging herself DEEPER !!!

  17. At least you can SEE her ripping a document and are blind to the Constitution being ripped up in front of your eyes. Watch the shiny object folks


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