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Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Trump’s Proposed Budget Would Protect Social Security and Medicare

President Donald Trump released a $4.8 trillion budget proposal on Monday that would protect Social Security and Medicare, raise spending for defense and border protection, and cut welfare and foreign aid spending.

The plan leaves Social Security and Medicare benefits untouched, keeping a campaign promise of the President’s not to cut the popular entitlements. That will make it harder for the President’s rivals to run the standard Democratic playbook–scaring Americans about the loss of promised benefits–against him in this year’s Presidential election.

The budget includes additional spending for the military, veterans, border enforcement, and space exploration.

More here


  1. Spending money they don’t have.
    That is why France and Germany forced the ZuS to abandon Bretton Woods in 1971. The US government is a criminal enterprise and everybody awoke knows it.

    Who exactly does the US need protection from?
    When will the endless spending on a military end?

  2. By doing nothing to help SS and Medicare, he is hurting seniors a great deal.
    We just keep falling more behind. No interest in the bank. Inflation that is not reported.
    Drop so much wasteful spending on a useless public education system and help seniors with Drug prices, higher SS monthly payments.
    As a Senior, I can't support Trump. He's made the rich richer and seniors much worse off.

    1. As a senior, I can and will support Trump

    2. Please re-read. Second page, first paragraph.


  3. 9:22, you need to turn off your TV and start paying attention. You're talking just like the MSM wants you to.

    If you weren't paying attention, we DID get a SS increase this year.And we will likely get more soon.

    We seniors are better off than we were, and Mr. Trump IS looking out for us (did you read the article?)

    He is targeting drug costs, and that is much of what the 'reduction' to medicare is all about.. lower drug costs. He is a businessman, and will get negotiated prices for drugs. The 'Fellow' that occupied the White House before him gave the drug companies a wink and a nod to raise their prices (which they immediately did) if they would support Obamacare. "To help them recover their research costs".

    So, if your drug costs are way too high, thank the democrats who set that up. Maybe Mr.Trump can fix it if they will leave him alone long enough to do it.

    Just hold steady and give him a chance-- he will get it done.

  4. 9:22 You heard the Radical Left news conference didn't you?
    Pelosi and Schumer will say anything to gullible people like you,
    so you don't vote for Trump.

  5. It should Always be more than protected > Mandated

    & Double & triple the amount we get & make the govt pay
    Back with interest what they Stole from it all these years
    since LBJ !!!!!
    We should get Max Soc Sec @ age 62 also !!!!

  6. These two are a MUST HAVE in America !!
    & the fixes to be done are :

    1 Make Govt Pay Back all $$ they took from it plus %
    2 Make the max benefit @ age 62 soc sec
    3 Double the benefit amt soc sec
    4 Make Law that all the $$ one pays into it > STAYS in their
    family to be passed down
    5 make it illegal for Govt to ever take $$ from it ever again
    6 Make it that Only those who paid in to it can get that $$$


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