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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Trump budget proposal reins in unconstitutional, bloated Department of Education

If you love a constitutionally constrained federal government, President Trump’s latest budget request for Betsy DeVos's Department of Education will warm your heart. But there’s more to be done.

Let’s start with the best part: The budget would cut $6.1 billion in education spending overall and consolidate $19.4 billion worth of K-12 programs into simple block grants to states. That cuts federal strings off of a big chunk of education money, and doing so makes sense.

This would be much more in line with the education power the Constitution gives the federal government — that is, absolutely none — and states are much closer and more accountable to the people the money is supposed to serve than bureaucrats at the Department of Education. Even better would be to let taxpayers keep their money, either by letting states opt out of federal education or by getting rid of the federal intrusion entirely. But this is a good first step.



  1. Teachers' unions are freaking out.

  2. Cut library funding! Yes! They are in the Dept. of Ed.

  3. States cannot afford to take the financial responsibility for their own public education systems. There aren't enough poor people to gamble enough money away in casinos and on lottery tickets to pay for it all. The answer? More taxes, of course.

  4. Scholl vouchers will fix this mess. Direct funding to schools that actually educate instead of babysit or indoc to marxist ideals

  5. Scholl vouchers will fix this mess. Direct funding to schools that actually educate instead of babysit or indoc to marxist ideals


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