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Friday, February 28, 2020

The Highest-Stakes Moment Brings the Worst Debate

The debate would have been only marginally less incoherent, noisy, and grating to the ears if CBS had broadcast two hours of static.

The last debate before the South Carolina primary featured so much shouting, you would think that the candidates had just been told their microphones weren’t working. This could well be the last debate for some of these candidates, and Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg, and Elizabeth Warren have rapidly shrinking paths to the nomination. Every candidate was itching to interject, interrupt, shout over, and have a dramatic moment.

If the polls are accurate, South Carolina will end with a Joe Biden win or a Biden tie with Bernie Sanders, and Sanders set to do well in most or all of the Super Tuesday states. Last week’s debate was Get Shorty. The mission of everybody on that stage tonight who wasn’t named Bernie Sanders was to go on stage and beat the tar out of Bernie Sanders. Bloomberg is not on the ballot in South Carolina, and he’s won no delegates so far.



  1. Northwest Woodsman: Let’s see, what do all of these Pedomarxist politicians have in common? Someone please help me out here.

    1. Can someone please tell me what a pedomarxist is? Please somebody.

  2. As Richard Nixon said: "We cannot learn from one another until we stop
    shouting at one another - until we speak quietly enough so that our words can be heard as well as our voices"

  3. It was unbelievable that this is the group of people we as a public are supposed to vote for as our leader. I'm not a Democrat and do not care so much who wins on there side but the lack of professionalism and just plain common sense was mindblowing and hilariously ridiculous. It's a sad state of affairs for the democrats.

  4. Just watch. If no democrat has the delegates to win the nomination, it will be a brokered convention, and that's where all the party corruption will be in effect full force. It will make a Mobster's convention look tame by comparison. Then the Clinton crime syndicate and the Bloomberg billions will have more influence than all the democrat primary voters combined. Literally, God only knows who the DNC is going to finagle onto the ticket against Trump. But true to democrat form, democrats do not trust the voters, even the democrat ones.


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