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Saturday, February 22, 2020

Thank you Delmar! Press Release

Several years ago, the people of Delmar showed their support for their police officers by successfully petitioning the Town Council to amend the Delmar Charter to allow union representation for police officers. As the local representative of the Teamsters Union and as a veteran Delmar Police Officer, I have greatly appreciated the overwhelming expression of good will by the people of Delmar in enabling us to bargain collectively for the benefits we need to provide for our families.

Last year, the Teamsters asked the Town to go to the negotiating table to create a collective bargaining agreement for Delmar police officers. The Town refused, and eventually we were forced to file suit to compel the Town even to submit the issue to arbitration. Fortunately, the Circuit Court for Wicomico County ordered the Town go forward with arbitration, and we are confident the arbitration process will quickly jumpstart negotiations. For us, your first responders, collective bargaining is not simply an abstraction – it is the way we as a group ensure that our families have the income and benefits needed to survive.

Recently, the Town Council amended its Charter to eliminate the collective bargaining guarantee that the people of Delmar voted into effect several years ago. My fellow officers and I, along with many volunteers from the community immediately hit the streets, and I am gratified to report that once again the people of Delmar have shown strong support for their first responders: We have succeeded in gathering 540 signatures – more than we needed – to petition the Town to hold a special referendum election on this important issue. To the people of Delmar, we give a great big “THANK YOU” for supporting police officers in their time of need. Please keep an eye out for this special election, which soon will be scheduled and which will determine whether the Town must enter into collective bargaining with its police officers, as the people of Delmar previously directed, or instead can ignore the wishes of the people and of its own police force.

If we as a community are going to support first responders, it has to be through more than just bumper stickers and slogans: People of Delmar, please support your first responders at the ballot box, where it counts.

Lt. Wade Alexander

International Brotherhood of Teamsters


  1. I heard there are only 2 Officers per shift and there are only 13 Delmar Officers. With the Delmar City Limits so spread out that is way short of Officers needed. Also with only 13 Officers, how are they covering 3 shifts properly including Officers needed for relief. Delmar City Council needs to get a grip on reality and make a safer environment for the citizens of Delmar. They would not want me on the arbitration board are a representative for the Police in a collective bargaining setting.

    I am not a citizen of Delmar, I retired from the criminal justice system and also was one of the first to be in the State collective bargaining meetings from 1996 - 2002

    1. Delmar is a poster stamp town most towns that small don't have a police force.

  2. Wade, you’re an extortionist.
    The way to feed your family is to earn your living... Not to depend on strong arming citizen taxpayers with a Union.

    1. They need the money to help fund the liberals

  3. If you think two officers covering Delmar is crazy, think about the Maryland State Police. On many days, there are only two Troopers covering all of Wicomico County. Every single shift there are only two Troopers covering Dorchester County, two Troopers covering Talbot County and two Troopers covering Caroline County. Those are FACTS

    1. Yes, they are facts. I worked Dorchester for 4 years. Everything on the east side of 50 was Dorchester south patrol, and everything on the west side was Dorchester north patrol. Every late and night shift. The only time more than 2 were on was if someone had court. So that was daytime. Lock up a drunk or domestic and your partner was the only Trooper in the county. It took forever to get a commissioner to get to District Court. That's why we were always so close with the Dorchester Deputies. We all backed each other up many a night.

    2. No Troopers are good Troopers.

  4. Ohhh boy here comes the hike on tickets to pay for this.

  5. 12:40.....I question the need for even TWO state police officers in Dorchester or Talbot county.
    All I ever see them doing is running radar units on RT 50.

    THAT is what we need state police for??? THAT is their "crime" priority??


    Keep cheering.

  6. Now sit back and watch your taxes go up

  7. Oh no crime is gonna explode. Want to see crime go down? Get rid of those bottom feeding oops.

  8. I live just out of town limits on the Delaware side of Delmar. Had a guy trying to get into my house and called the police. It took the state boys 30 minutes to drive-by and they did not even stop. Watched this crazy/drugged up loon for the next 2 house (until 4am) as he acted weird and paced over in my elderly neighbors yard.

    Stuff happens here, you just don't here about it much. I support the town cops, wish I didn't have to rely on the state boys though.


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