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Friday, February 21, 2020

School Leaders Silent Despite Parkville Sex Offender Fallout

The fallout continues after a Project Baltimore investigation found a 21-year-old registered sex offender was taking classes at Parkville High School.

New legislation is working its way through Annapolis as Baltimore County’s school board is drafting new policies to keep students safe. But as all this is happening, County Schools leaders are still not answering our questions.

Baltimore County Schools Superintendent Dr. Darryl Williams makes $290,000 a year. The former interim Superintendent Verletta White, who is currently a consultant, makes $232,700. Mychael Dickerson served as chief of staff for both, making $223,283. And Parkville Principal Maureen Astarita earns $129,628. They are the four people who would have the most say in important decisions at Parkville High School, such as allowing a registered sex offender to take classes. That sex offender was enrolled at the school, when he was arrested again on a second-degree rape charge involving an underaged girl.



  1. Why is a 21 year old man allowed to attend high school? Let me guess, Sudano is an illegal alien.

  2. He looks like an illegal alien to me!

  3. He was just doing his Joe Biden!

  4. Not surprising, there are Hispanic "students" over 20 years old in Indian River district.


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