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Sunday, February 23, 2020

Salisbury Maryland Mayor Jake Day Tells Blacks To "GET OUT"!

In a scathing video release Mayor Jake Day very clearly states that the racists that wrote graffiti at Salisbury University need to GET OUT! Little did the Idiot know that while the rest of the local media is clueless, it was a BLACK man who is being charged with what they are now calling a crime. 
It was a BLACK woman who created the last form of graffiti and interestingly enough it wasn't considered a CRIME, nor was the entire University shut down for a day either. 

Something isn't passing the smell test and inquiring minds want to know, just what did it cost to close down the entire University?

I'll add, will the Mayor and Police Chief's stand tall and call the BLACK community RACISTS? Will they start removing BLACKS from Salisbury? I'm telling you, this reminds me of Obama and his jumping the gun passing judgment on people before the police could do their due diligence, Travon Martin ad others. 

I wonder if the Mayor will now come after me for this exact post calling ME a racist? Yet it was his words and his demands to GET OUT. Well, you know how these Idiot and radical Libtards work.

Watch the video.


  1. Perhaps you'll remember-- I bet $100 2 days ago that this was a hoax.

    Not too hard to see.

  2. Thank you for breaking the news Joe!

  3. You made the bet 2 days ago

  4. You have to wonder just how many times in a week Salisbury will hit national news? One, Salisbury University gets shut down because a black guy wrote racial graffiti and wasn't charged. Two, Police charged with stealing drugs, cash, guns etc in evidence room. Am I missing anything? Oh Yeah, Mayor demands Blacks to GET OUT of his City. The Idiot Mayor is on a roll!

    1. It won’t make national news anymore. Move along, nothing to see here...

      This story will drop out of sight quicker than a turd in a mineshaft. Doesn’t fit the media’s favorite fiction, that white people subject blacks to unrelenting racism.

      No, the demand for racism far outstrips the supply, that they need to keep the gravy train rolling. So they manufacture “racism”.

      Time to shut down all the useless “diversity and inclusion” program at SU, the special privileges and publicly apologize to the white community.

    2. Did Jake Day’s wife, Liz, make national news for having sex for drugs with her own students or is that still a coverup? Thanks Sheriff Shawty and SA Jamie Ruark!

  5. Joe I was a loyal follower of you for years. That ended. Now I hope you can admit you should seek mental health services. You are a poor loser and it shows. He had no idea the person was black and even if he did it is obvious to a mentally stable person he was referring to racists. You do know they come in all colors, shapes and sizes right?!

    1. You know you’re contradicting yourself, right?

    2. 9:40-Don't let the door hit you! You remember Jessie Smollett? Fake hate to lable Trump supporters as racist and homophobic. You think Joe is a loser? You said so yourself, you were a loyal follower for years! Loser! You went out of your way to anonymously denigrate a much more successful person than yourself. Loser! Look in the mirror. There's your loser!

    3. Oh please whoever you are, you will continue to look at this page. You know you are going to find out things that other news outlets wont put out there. That being said I am not sure what your deal is because both times these racial slurs have been wrote on walls it has in fact been two African americans, but yet white people do it and are charged with hate crimes if possible and faces plastered all over the news. These people are looking to further the racial divide because it makes everyone feel sorry for them, I believe you get what you receive, if you respect me I respect you simple as that! Everyone trys to make Salisbury look like a wonderful town, drugs are rampant, if you are a woman you better not be out after dark alone, kids are being bullied and beaten at school. Get off your holier than thou horse!

    4. Seek help for what speading the truth

    5. The person that did this IS racist you just hate the fact it's another black racist.

    6. 9:40am, it is clearly you with the mental issues for defending your Boi, Jake Day. That clown should have never even made such a premature post like that. Clearly, a mentally stable person would know that Jake Gay made that silly video only for attention. He was hoping it would go viral and he would get national attention but it clearly backfired on him.

  6. Wrong doers should be promptly identified and absolutely held fully accountable. Made to pay for all of the investigations and sentenced to prison for fake hate crimes.

  7. Dear Jake,
    I’m waiting for an apology video. You know “hate has no place here”. What say you Jakey boy?

  8. I was 100% positive this was done by a black person to stir up sh!t. The liberal idiots keep saying that whites are the racists, yet we all know whites have much more derserving focuses, other than rampant racism. On the other hand, this is the second time this has happened, again by a black. Again, they automatically are certain it was done by a white person, likely male.
    When 13% of a population are responsible for over 50% percent of crimes, when they freely call each other and everyone else racists names, when they are responsible for the majority of their own deaths, it's about time to shift the fake narrative. Black people problems are black people, not white people. This truth is not racist, and facts don't care about your feelings.

  9. Can't foret about mrs.days extracurricular activities

    1. Yes, 9:55 am, we CAN NOT forget about Liz Day’s extramarital sex with high school children for their Adderal and other drugs. I believe firmly that Jake is fully aware of these crimes and shares owness to them!

  10. Black or white, male or female, who ever wrote that stuff and causing SU to close down needs to foot the bill for all the agencies who is here investigating. All those snowflakes that were scared for their life because of some idiots graffiti need to get a backbone. Remember it was not a white person who did it last time and not this time either. It's a hate crime alright but it's against blacks. It's against whites. Keep showing racism by removing all the history because blacks are sensitive but build a memorial for the 3 blacks that were hung in salisbury. Come on people. You cant right a wrong that happened before any of us were born. Putting up "famose black people's pictures all over Salisbury is just because they dont want blacks to riot. Stop all this nonsense. All this black stuff everywhere is just giving more fuel to the fire.

    1. It's kow towing to the subversive element that is destroying this community.

    2. 9:59 am, No one caused Salisbury University to shut down except SU President Charles Wight and he should be fired over it!!

    3. No, he shouldn’t be fired over it. He should offer counseling to the snowflakes, find homes for all the puppies, eliminate “safe spaces”, abolish the special programs and gimmes for minorities, apologize to the white community, issue guidelines for expulsion of perpetrators of real and fake hate crimes, and create mandatory training for them all, to deter fake hate crimes.

  11. Jake is like a scrambling little squirrel jumping from tree to tree. Eventually one of those limbs is going to break.

    1. We can only hope before he destroys any more lives and bankrupts our city.

    2. 10:06 am, I love that analogy about a ‘little’ squirrel because that is exactly what that GOOBER is!!

  12. "..You made the bet 2 days ago
    February 22, 2020 at 9:37 AM.."

    Correct. As soon as I saw the first post. It was very predictable, because almost every incident like this one in recent years is fraud.

    "..Anonymous said...
    I'd bet $100 that this is another HOAX perpetrated by a liberal.
    February 20, 2020 at 8:00 AM..."

  13. Let's get the focus BACK on Jake days Felony Wife.

    1. I feel very sorry for Liz. He treats her terrible. I only hope she can put this behind her and take her children and leave him. He doesn’t deserve her.

    2. He uses Liz. He cares about no one but himself. To think he lives for his career. He signed up for deployment to put this on his resume. What a complete piece of work represent Salisbury.

    3. Good point, she is a child molester and should be required to register as a sex offender!

    4. Jake, I’m sure you wrote this with your demented mind.


    1. Because apparently only whites can be racists according to the filthy left.

  15. 9:55, exactly! Want to guess whose evidence is missing from the police evidence room?

    On another racial note, how does the Mayor's mural in the center of town of a subway trainload of N-words represent our Salisbury history?
    seems to me he's wanting this place to become the next Balto.

  16. 10:39, ask the THREE police officers involved and the ONE former sates attorney. Yes Folks, that's where the upcoming press release will be heading. 9:55, you are so right. That situation was covered up and also should've been national news.

  17. Jake demonstrates full on narcissistic behaviors. Folks he only cares about his career. He is going away for 9 months to serve so it looks good on paper for further political aspirations. He signed up for this knowing he would be leaving his post in Salisbury as mayor when he ran.

    The saddest part about Jake he abuses his wife. This my friends of Salisbury is the honest truth. I fear for her well being. Next it will be his little girls. Don’t let all his post fool you. He is evil. Something happened in his childhood to make him this way.

    1. Exactly! Why speak on kindness yet you, the mayor, are the one being unkind at home.

  18. Whites just cannot let this SU thing be swept under the rug! If it had been a white person who did this, Lord knows there would be hell to pay. Half of DaBury would have been burned to the ground. It would be headlines on the Daily Times and all the local TV news stations would be salavating over it. But..........since it was another black person who did it, well.......it ain't so awfully bad. Stand up whites!!!!

    1. I agree 100%. The Daily Times, WBOC, WMDT, the Salisbury Independent can not ignore this. The fact that this HATE crime was perpetrated by a black person(s) for the purpose of starting a Race War in Salisbury can not be swept under the rug. Your right 11:12, if this had of been a white person, the Race War might have begun with marching in the streets, NAACP lawyers demanding restitution from the white population, the list goes on. Of course law enforcement, including the FBI have yet to make a Press Release along with the release of a name. This was a black person(s) Salisbury Maryland. Not a white personal that sooooo many were hoping for.

  19. Jake demonstrates full on narcissistic behaviors. Folks he only cares about his career. He is going away for 9 months to serve so it looks good on paper for further political aspirations. He signed up for this knowing he would be leaving his post in Salisbury as mayor when he ran.

    The saddest part about Jake he abuses his wife. This my friends of Salisbury is the honest truth. I fear for her well being. Next it will be his little girls. Don’t let all his post fool you. He is evil. Something happened in his childhood to make him this way.

  20. Jake demonstrates full on narcissistic behaviors. Folks he only cares about his career. He is going away for 9 months to serve so it looks good on paper for further political aspirations. He signed up for this knowing he would be leaving his post in Salisbury as mayor when he ran.

    The saddest part about Jake he abuses his wife. This my friends of Salisbury is the honest truth. I fear for her well being. Next it will be his little girls. Don’t let all his post fool you. He is evil. Something happened in his childhood to make him this way.

  21. What's the story about Jake's first wife?

    1. Exactly, she got out! I’d like to the story there...verbal abuse, mind games?

    2. She’s in rehab

    3. 🎶She got to go to rehab and I said no no no. 🎶

  22. And to think of all the wasted snowflake tears, and self guilt about their white privilege down the drain. Maybe the Mayor will form a special committee to address it like his lynching committee. Sad thing is this will be covered up. Go away, nothing to see here.

  23. $5 says this will be the defense and the grievance industry's tortured logic used in an attempt to maintain their relevance:

    "This was a psychological experiment to determine people's assumptions regarding the race of the perpetrators of crime. The race of the perpetrator is irrelevant. The fact that most people assumed the perpetrator was black, despite overwhelming evidence of white nationalism, is what is significant and demonstrates embedded racism and why it is so important to continue the conversation of white privilege." Lol!

  24. This is a hate crime against every white student

  25. Does anyone ever send any of these story’s to major news outlets? Fox? How about Erin at CNN? Just tell them Jakes wife is a Republican and the person not charged after an FBI investigation was a klansman.
    They will send crew immediately.

    1. 12:09-I sent this story, referencing Salisbury News, along with the story of the Mayor's wife, police suspensions, a folk festival controversy, to Fox news this morning. I was thinking the same thing. Said this was the only news site reporting the news, and nit helping to cover it up.

  26. The city of Salisbury and Salisbury University should pay for the tuition of every white student.... This was a racial attack on them and they went along with it

  27. Where’s the tight pants Mayors new video apology ????

    1. There is nothing wrong with tight pants. Both liberals and conservatives can wear tight pants and still disagree about other matters.

  28. The only bigger p&$$y than Jake is the SU President Wight. Seriously, look up what this panty-wearing pansy said in the Washington Post.
    I mean, I think he's probably out right now raising money for Buttigieg and Warren.
    The former SU president had a bigger pair - and she was a woman!

  29. AGAIN,a black person writes racist graffiti, but the whites are the problem. Jake Day needs to leave wifes pills alone before making public statements

  30. There is systemic racism on campus at SU.
    Black student Union.
    Lower acceptance guidelines for black students.
    Ethnic ( skin color) based Not MERIT based scholarship programs.
    The list goes on... but your a racist for bringing it up.

    1. The continued racial false flags were intended to get more freebies

    2. They lower the standards and then everyone loses. Celebrate mediocrity SU.

  31. Shut a whole college down for some B's drawings ? PATHETIC SNOWFLAKES.

  32. 1 John 4:7
    “Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.”

    King James Version (KJV)

    1. Keep believing in the imaginary man in the sky. Religion was only created to control people. Funny how it still works today. God is no different from Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. They were created to control the behavior of children. They even created songs about “Santa is making a list...checking it twice..gonna find out who’s naughty or nice”. Just a way to control the behavior of children. Religion is the same way. Mindless dolts believing there is an invisible man in the sky watching everyone. Ridiculous. Come on, you HAVE to be smarter than that.

    2. Save your preaching for the black guy who tried to incite riots and vilify white people. The whites don’t need to hear it. We have done NOTHING wrong.

    3. 350

      you are a demon

      see you on Judgement Day

      I'll be in the choir loft
      and will get a thrill watching you escorted to hell

    4. @3:50 I wish I knew you personally or could arrange a meeting with you and share my experience I had with a close friend of mine two hours prior to his death. All I can say is you're playing a very serious game taking such a careless and casual stance

    5. 3:50. It might do you some good to do a little reseach and reading. The book of real TRUTH and light does not misled you. Look around you! his glory and power is evident every day he decides to grant us another day ALIVE. On his planet, his and universe and his souls...us!!. Im sorry you feel the way you do.. but GOD is real.its your choice to believe. I know It is hard these dayys, with all the luciferian influences pulling us away from HIS soultion to a good life. HIS WORD! Its that simple. We are all sinners. No one gets out alive or sinless. Only faith in HIS love and scarafice can save your soul. Ill try that path instead of trying to fight it, deny it,like you! Your body is just dust! I struggle, i stumble, and im far from rightous. But im forgiven. Peace brother
      Psalm 37:17-20 KJV
      For the arms of the wicked shall be broken: but the LORD upholdeth the righteous. [18] The Lord knoweth the days of the upright: and their inheritance shall be for ever. [19] They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied. [20] But the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the LORD shall be as the fat i of lambs: they shall consume; j into smoke shall they consume away.

    6. 6:13...that’s EXACTLY what I’m talking about. You call yourself “religious” yet claim you will get a thrill watching someone escorted to hell. Typical person who hides behind religion yet shows their true colors. Bunch of hypocrites

    7. 1:57- Biblical quotes do not help to solve anything. You use it to try to give a undisputed POV. Please just stop. It doesn't help at all, and by you making it as your uneducated definative argument, only makes us Christians appear as ignorant as yourself. So please, just stop. If God is your argument, you're not helping us. We are not as stupid as your defensive arguments. You do not represent the rest of us, in fact you are doing nothing but being arrogantly stupid with your comments. Child, relax and slow your roll.

  33. Has anyone confirmed it is actually a black person?

  34. Moments like this I wish I had a few pills.

  35. 2:47, I have confirmed it was a black male. Suck on that Chief Barbara Duncan and Mayor Jake Day.

    1. Nice work... any more details like a name or ties to a group like the new lynch mob Jake Day is a member of

    2. Thats what I'm waiting for is a name and photo of his arrest. If it was a white person it would have been all over the local news with pictures and interviews with Fake Day and his cronies. Come on Salisbury and wake up.

  36. Crickets from Salisbury University and racist Ed Lashley. Funny how he has nothing to say every time it is a black person. If it was a white person, he would be all over the news smoking a big cigar and pounding his chest. Loser.

  37. Just give Jake enough rope hell hang himself!! Only an immature child would have rushed to judgment and posted such a ridiculous video without any kind of investigation of ALL the facts. The wheels continue to fall off the salisbury circus

    1. I totally agree! His inexperience really shown through on this. And to think this guy wants to run for Governor. G

  38. OMG!!! You HAVE to get on Nextdoor and see how Jake Day and his social media terrorists are ripping this dude up for expressing concern about all the street projects like the roundabout, Division, etc. Jake blatantly told him he doesn’t care what he thinks because he lives outside of the city limits. So not only is Jake Day telling everyone to get out, he’s telling people who live outside of Salisbury that they don’t matter!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 who spends money in Salisbury Jake? So people who live outside the city limits don’t contribute to Salisbury’s economy?? It’s just unbelievable how dumb Jake Day sounds. The way he treats people is sooo incredibly appalling!!!

    1. Who is Bret Wilson on there? Seems like Jake's butt buddy

    2. But we probably paid a ton of money to be named a "World Kindness City," whatever that is. JakiBoi is the meanest of anyone in town.

  39. This whole fiasco gets me perturbed. I ran under a conservative platform and the fact that we have a corrupt progressive Mayor running our city. On election day I heard crickets. If you live within the Salisbury city limits and on election day sat at home or voted for Jake, you are getting exactly what I said we would get.
    I would have immediately audited the city, brought back conservative values, and brought strong businesses here. Jake, like all Dems, have their priorities all screwed up. I hope the FBI investigates our city.

    Wait for more dirt to come. Oh, don't forget the tax increases, which will raise rents and chase homeowners away.

    Wayne King

  40. 350 I got a feeling you got a can of spray paint in your Honda.

  41. On another note, how is it that our mayor has so much time after hours to frequent the brick house bar?!?! I’ve seen him there and others that I know see him there quite frequently. Now I ask you, is this appropriate for a husband and father to be out at the bar and not spending time with his family in the evening.

    1. Would you to spend time with your wife knowing what she had in her mouth?

    2. You have know idea what his wife deals with. Jake abuses her and gets away with it. Don’t be fooled! Jake needs treatment.

    3. 8:29 No but I would spend time with my daughters who have suffered enough because of their pathetic parents 🙄

  42. We knew it was a person of color , I think I've seen comments about the black culture , evidently it looks as if this culture is sad and screwed up. These are grown men acting like children , perhaps their brain can't develop past the 6 year old stage . I 've heard other things about this culture , satanic and the devil , I now believe it's true , rest is peace Trayvon you peace of trash.

  43. Jake & his wife need to get out we all see and hear what you do it's not going to just go away. So the black person that did this we want to see you escort out of Salisbury put up or shut up.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Jake will put him on the lynch mob committee

  44. the fact that name was not being told and all being brushed away told us all what this confirms, that it was a racist trying to stir the pot. Smollet comes to mind, If it had been a white racistm their name would have been plastered everywhere.

  45. Girtletree, did you know that Jesse Smollet was not alone with that? There was a bigger picture. from Kahmala Harris to Cory Booker, The Chicago crime team was behind that to. (Democrats) They had a anti-lynching bill in the works and daddy war bucks helped fuel it to give more justification and demand to pass that bill. The kicker is, lynching was already against the law. It falls under murder. All of it is being brushed under the rug. The media does not and probably will not report on that. More will come as the primaries are done, if Bernie gets the nomination. The Bernie bros will be hitting the streets to stir up as much drama and fear as they can. Take a flash back to the violence of these people back in 2016. More to come!

    1. 9:26- You are all over the place, and I have no idea at all what you are stating. Everyone knows lynching is illegal, because it is murder. What anti-lynching bill? Who is daddy war bucks, and why would it be bad to be anti-lynching? If Bernie gets the nomination his fan base will be happy, why would they riot? They said they would if he wasn't nominated. Lay off the drugs, Pal! You're incomprehensible!

  46. Being no charges have been filed it looks like this racism will be swept under the rug yet again... This was an assault on white students and they should consider legal action themselves if law enforcement refuses to do so !

  47. Don't hold your breath waiting for a follow up video from Day. Like most Democrat politicians, he's a panderer in the first degree. If it turns out the person responsible for the racist graffiti was black, Day is still covered because in his video he attacked everyone that most liberals and leftists consider as Trump supporters. Whether the graffiti suspect turned out to be white or black, Day knew and knows saying the things he did in his initial video only cause his supporters to embrace him and the Dems brand of identity politics even more. Because there is nothing Democrats love more than playing identity politics. And to think they have the heart to say that Trump and his supporters created the chasm that exists in America today. With his bike lanes and festivals, Day is like the deckhand on the Titanic, rearranging the deck chairs as the ship takes on water. Between the crime and homeless people loitering around the city badgering people, Salisbury, like Baltimore, will remain a place area residents avoid and tourists bypass. Day is a narcissistic, pandering, sneaky little man who has surrounded himself with yes men and businessmen that have made a financial killing because of a continuous flow of lucrative sweetheart deals. He'll remain in power because he's king of a kingdom whose subjects are too disinterested to even make the effort to get out and vote.

    1. Great synopsis of Jake Day!

    2. 10:44 Well said! You are spot!

  48. Waiting on the guilty party to be revealed just like the last "hate crime" guess this will disappear like last time...... will the person be charged ??? still waiting ?????

    We need to raise hell about this because all of you know there is a double standard going on here. From Jussie Smollet to the 2 "hate crimes" here in Salisbury.

    This is indeed a hate crime against white people and it should be treated as such!

  49. Joe, while you are generally accurate in your local news sourcing, your obsession with Jake Day is causing you to completely miss the forest for the trees in this scenario. The SU campus is intensively surveilled with cameras, more so than most students or faculty realize. The Campus authorities knew who the likely perp was days after the initial incident. The SU President Dr. Wight knew this months ago. The missed classes "day of healing", the new bundle of diversity initiatives, and the calling in of the FBI all occurred while the SU police and the SU President knew definitively that a black male had done this.

    All these things were done in a planned, premeditated fashion to put firewalls between the SU Administration and more specifically President Wight when they pulled the big reveal. The only ironic part oo this is that President Wight, who likes to style himself the wokest man alive, let the black student leaders look like idiots reacting to the graffiti and spinning things up while he knew all the time a black man had done it. The last thing the black student leaders wanted was to look like fools with a Jussie Smollet scenario, but that is exactly what they got. And they got not even the slightest heads up from the administration that this was coming done the pike.

  50. 11:35, My obsession? It's my job to tell the news. It's my job to tell the truth. I not only do so but I do so while the rest of the local media does their best to cover it up.

    1. Thank you Joe for telling the truth and letting us know what's going on. No other news agency speaks of it. Maybe you should run for mayor. Whites need to band together against this reverse racism. Oh wait there is no such thing lol. These blacks need a hard lesson. They need to pay the time for doing the crime. Alot begins with juvenile services not doing anything about the poor little black boys because they are misunderstood. Ti many are being punished in the school so let's coddle them until they kill someone.

  51. Some of these comments here are Epic ! need a Like button :)

  52. 1135, your wrong, it was not known that this was a black man when the fbi got involved. This was a recent development and the fbi being involved was not as recent. You have bad information.

  53. Hi Joe, we count on you to be the none bs’r. Hopefully the moment the race baitin graffiti hoaxer is charged, you will release the name. Safe to say the other news outlets will be doing their best to ignore the truth. Thanks

  54. Keep the pressure on the states attorney. 👁️👁️

  55. The first report made it clear the suspect was not affiliated with Su, meaning not admin, student, faculty, nor employee. Bringing in the fbi for facial recognition access {yeah you still dont believe they use this} They wont release his identity. They also wont place charges, charges expose the identity and the identity will connect the dots. Others have already said it was conspired and consorted.

  56. Joe,
    If this gets swept under the rug, please FOIA the investigation and publish.

    1. Came here to say that, you beat me to it

    2. 👁️We are watching you DA👁️

  57. I do t care what color a racist is. GTFO

  58. I’d like to know what percentage of those posting here have a college degree

    1. And I'd like to know what percentage drive drive blue cars!

  59. So come on dow to the brick house after hours to see your Mayor Jake Day drinking away! Buy the mayor a drink!

  60. He told blacks to get out , don't blame him a bit for that statement , just wish it would happen.

  61. Sounds like this was done by a Black supremacist group which are a growing threat

  62. Check out the SU Facebook page, under the President’s message (has over 200 comments).

    Presumably students whining about OMG racism and terrified they were. Don’t think they’ve been told the news yet, that it’s a black male.

  63. The SU families are already spinning it on Facebook. It has been confirmed it was an African American who did it FOR THE SECOND TIME. What is their response? They are on Facebook saying “there must be a second person who is doing this”. They just can’t accept that the truth doesn’t fit their agenda. Disgusting.

    1. The white students should file a lawsuit

  64. Tyson Fury ruined black history month!

  65. What’s with all the references to Gay Jake? Is there any validity to it or not?

    1. Yeah go meet him at the Brick room


  66. ACTIONS, regardless of intent, have consequences. Even if all the liberal excuses i.e., being black, age, sex, single parent, poverty, social deviant, etc. taken into consideration, some punishment must be made.
    Society has heard enough of the scales of justice being so lop-sided it needs a calibration.

  67. Jake....YOU need to get out.

  68. Invite Trump to da Bury to highlight, for the national media, the Salisbury Progressives and their Black Supremist collaborators!!!

  69. Jake Day took viagra and got two inches taller

  70. Jake update on Race issue at SU ? You look like a FN TOOL.

  71. I hope 100 whites show up and protest in front of the mayor's office on his FAKE race accusations.

  72. There has been nothing but radio silence so far for the last several days since the announcement that they graffiti perp was identified. What are they waiting for regarding making the announcement? Why the big delay?

    1. SU will not press charges. Issue dropped.

  73. No news. O arrests they’re sweeping it under the rug ... The students need to sue

  74. Girtletree. Guess you were sleeping. At the time that smollet pulled his trick.

  75. Which nextdoor are you seeing this on? which neighborhood?

  76. Exactly! Why speak on kindness yet you, the mayor, are the one being unkind at home.

    February 22, 2020 at 7:07 PM
    There is a lot of the kindness thing being pushed yet none of them practice what they preach. being nice is a good thing however to many misconstrue your kindness with weakness.

  77. Jakie called it domestic terrorism.....does he and the other thugs of his still feel the same since its a confirmed black person that did it....No Jakie you get out and take your band of racists with you! You did say that they were not welcome here and to get out....so go now...bye bye....the racists that have been doing this should not only get out but they should go to prison. and now its all crickets, chirp chirp.

  78. Salisbury University has covered this up for the third time they must really dislike the white students

  79. howdy to all yall Goobers.

  80. Nexdoor - what a joke. Some chick name Kari uses her (old oc road) neighborhood as an extended platform for the Jakesters. He sits on that all day and if you say anything to challenge the him she has you booted out.
    Its quite funny.

    She once actually said the platform was for "important things" which didn't include politics, tax increases and other mayorial untruths. All they do is whine about stray cats and boo hoo that their car was broken into when they left it unlocked. Not exactly a bunch of Brainiac's in that group. Maybe that's why Jake is so attracted to it and sits on it all day.

  81. Is this BS or has someone actually see how he treats his wife. If he does mistreat her, what does he do?
    And who is writing this (below)?

    "You have know idea what his wife deals with. Jake abuses her and gets away with it. Don’t be fooled! Jake needs treatment."


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