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Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Residents of a small Kansas town, where the poverty rate is twice the national average, are being jailed for their unpaid medical bills

Residents of a small Kansas town, where the poverty rate is twice the national average, are being jailed for their unpaid medical bills.

In Coffeyville, Kansas, 26.2 per cent of the more than 9,700 people who live there are below the poverty line compared to the national average of 13.1 per cent.

Because of this issue, some residents like Tres Biggs, have found themselves working two jobs. Neither job offered Tres insurance plans and he was unable to afford health care.

Tres and his wife, Heather, said they fell behind on their son's medical bills after he was diagnosed with leukemia.



  1. they ought to tar and feather the lawyer who put the fix in for them!

  2. If he was an illegal immigrant he would get free health care. Totally wrong. Let's kick all the illegal immigrants out and take care of our own. While we're at it, kick all of the democrat politicians out too

  3. Working people get punished for being productive

  4. Debtors prisons.

    Secret courts and secret trials.

    Confiscation of money and property without charges or trial.

    IN THE USA!!!

    I wish Thomas Jefferson was here today.

    He would have already started the Second American revolution.

    Keep cheering.

  5. Sounds like the one world order is here.

  6. So, it’s okay not to pay your bills - your commitments - and blame others? Ever notice that anything the government is “in” is always over priced, expensive and broken? Free market is always better.

  7. That's what CH 7 is for !!! Get Rid of them / Write them Off !!!

  8. But the government will give free healthcare to illegals and not US citizens.


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