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Sunday, February 23, 2020

Request to rename 'Negro Mountain' in Western MD to be heard in Annapolis

BALTIMORE (WBFF) - State Del. Nick Mosby, who represents Baltimore, has introduced a resolution to rename a mountain in western Maryland.

Negro Mountain is a long ridge of the Allegheny mountains that runs through Garrett County.

After concerns were raised about the racially-based name, the State Highway Administration removed signs for Negro Mountain last year.

Mosby's bill would create a commission to research the mountain's history "and assign a more appropriate name which will correctly address the history of the land."


Editor's note: Nick Mosby is the husband of Marilyn Mosby  State's Attorney for Baltimore


  1. Negro is Mexican for “black”. It’s racist to change the name.

  2. It’s pronounced N “a” gro and is a common last name along the Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia region.

  3. I always thought Negro was the Race of Africans

    It never occurred to me that it was derogatory

  4. Erasing history. Never satisfied. Never will be.

  5. Snowflakes need to lay down !!! Ridicoulous Over & Over

  6. Nick Mosby doesn’t even represent that area so he should mind his own racist business

  7. Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby’s racist husband.

    One racist family who can’t mind their own business.

  8. Nobody changes any names when a Whites are named like "Cracker" !!!
    Do we have to change the names of Crackers ???

  9. Actually, the name N “A” gro has its origins from Italy and dies translate to mean the word Black. It’s a familiar surname around the Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia region. It’s shouldn’t be considered any different from the surname “Black” but obviously it has. I knew an attorney in West Virginia named Mike Negro. He was of Italian origin. I suppose it would now be appropriate for the family to change their last name from Negro to Black? Or is the surname Black to racist?

  10. I refuse to have my name changed

  11. I like my name and my mountain. Leave us alone.

  12. Only a stupid racist would even consider this. Hate-filled person for sure.

  13. It was named in honor of a black man who died defending the mountain... its an honor

  14. Negro is not the N-word. Bend the knee and soon you will be lying on the floor.

  15. Change it to White mans mountain but it’s my guess Black people aren’t the ones complaining just weeny white liberals trying to divide

  16. Just call it Caucasian mountain.

  17. What's next, renaming the White Mountains?
    Nick must be looking to run for higher office.

  18. And then we'll receive demands to change the name of Black Hills of Dakota. What the heck....why are we, the people, even tolerating and listening to these demands. Black History month....where is White History month or Latina history month. BET, Black Entertainment Television.....where is WET, White Entertainment Television. BETTER YET......lets just have television, and 12 months of American History. Use your brain people.

  19. Northwest Woodsman: Just followed this story to Fox Five news in Baltimore. When you look at the photos of criminals, arrestees, gun crime, and other violence, the only faces presented are black. I can’t imagine what a days news would look like if they were completely separated and removed to their own category. There would be practically nothing to report. Sort of like where I live. News consists of a horse loose on the street of our local town. Boring, however, I was a LEO and Federal Special agent in LA, San Diego, and Las Vegas so this is like Snow Hill circa 1958.

  20. "Negro is Mexican for “black”..."

    I did't know Mexico had its own language.

  21. Call it "Indian Mountain" because that's who we stole it from.

    1. And who did the Indians steal it from ? European s were here 700 years before

  22. Change it to "Welfare Queen".

  23. Sounds lovely. Where are you located?

  24. Call it African American mountain?

  25. That name was given in HONOR, not disgrace. It should be left alone.

  26. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It was named in honor of a black man who died defending the mountain... its an honor

    February 22, 2020 at 12:09 PM

    An HONOR!

  27. There is even an African country called NIGER !!!

    Blacks call each other that all the time & think it is cool !!
    Only when a White person says that or anything else , is it Bad !!

    Too big a deal is made of everything these days > Get a Life !!!

  28. Negro is Spanish for Black,
    Nick Mosby how stupid can you be?

  29. So what about the United Negro College Fund? Will this be renamed? They are still in business and accepting donations.

  30. Sounds like a song by Neil Young !!! LOL

  31. i Dont think this should be heard or decided by Annapolis. It should be left to that area to make that choice and decision.

  32. More Important things to get done by the damn Govt !!!!


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