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Friday, February 28, 2020

Report: 38% of Americans would avoid Corona; company assures 'no link' to virus

WASHINGTON (SBG) — Name recognition is everything in business. But what happens when your brand name is associated with a deadly epidemic?

According to reports, more American consumers are linking the coronavirus to Corona beer amid growing fears about an outbreak.

"By and large consumers understand the virus has no connection to our business," said Stephanie McGuane a spokesperson for Corona's parent company, Constellation Brand.



  1. We shouls be less concerned about the coronavirus and more concerned with the stupidity-virus!

  2. 4:20 am...is that you, Marty?

  3. Should have named it the Budweiservirus.

  4. Socialism is more dangerous than corona virus ever will be.

  5. I had a few last night at Bull on the Beach. Ice cold and delicious.
    Cough, cough. Is it getting hot in here?


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