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Sunday, February 09, 2020

REMINDER: Launch At Wallops This Evening

Liftoff is on schedule for 5:39 p.m. on Feb. 9



  1. Mission scrubbed a lot of air traffic in the area.

    1. Incorrect 5:47, it was an electronic issue with ground control

  2. Another abort. Pathetic

    1. Why "pathetic"? Do you have any understanding as to what goes into a launch of this magnitude?

    2. 804, I guarantee 605 has no clue. He's merely engaging in the national pastime of perpetual indignation.

  3. Yet another abort.

  4. Thanks for the link. Wish it had gone up. Really interesting.

  5. Alot of air traffic? It was a scheduled launch? Air traffic is controlled!?

  6. Shoot the stuff out of the air, they know better than to be in the flight path.

  7. They must have used the Iowa Caucus App

  8. 5:47. Nothing to do with air traffic. 6:05. What would be pathetic is launching in sub optimal conditions.

  9. 606, nobody is perfect 100% of the time and neither is all manmade systems. Launching a rocket REQUIRES both to happen at the same time to assure success. I'll take 5 scrubs to make a perfect launch before an explosion costing millions on the first try any day, or next week. Patience is a virtue you may be needing...

  10. As I understood from launch control in real time, a secondary onboard telemetry transmitter malfunctioned. They could have launched with a waiver and evidently had a delay and pissing match over waiver issuance. The Launch window closed and a team member called abort.

  11. Jobs should be booming on the eastern shore. Apparently this area is packed full of experts in every field, depending on what story you read. Lol

  12. Rescheduled for the 13th at 4:06 P.M. If weather permits.

  13. They got a BAD track record on Launches !!! Must be ran by
    Democrats like Iowa !!!! Alot of folks went there for Nothing

  14. Yes 1:42 I drove down there for nothing....I try to make a habit of doing things like that. Come on the man hours and technology that is required to pull this off are mind blowing...nothing is perfect. You make it sound like they sold tickets and cancelled on purpose. Better to scratch when they are getting the wrong data from a sensor then jeopardize anyone's safety don't you think?


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