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Monday, February 03, 2020

Rahm Emanuel: Democrats Must Build ‘Metropolitan Majority’ to Rule for ‘Years’

Former Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal on Saturday in which he declared that Democrats should use the 2020 election to establish “a new Democratic ‘metropolitan majority’ that could last for years.”

The only problem, he said, was that the party was moving too far to the left. “Democrats May Be Blowing Their Chance,” the article is titled.

Emanuel wrote:
The next nine months will present our raucous coalition a rare opportunity to establish a new Democratic “metropolitan majority” that could last for years. We can’t afford to let internecine disagreements about how to reach our common goals get in the way.

In recent months both Presidents Clinton and Obama have come under withering criticism—not from conservatives but from Democrats arguing they were insufficiently progressive while in office. Set aside the unforced error of attacking fellow Democrats at a moment when retiring Donald Trump ought to be our singular goal. The underlying critique fundamentally misunderstands how we should judge any given leader’s stewardship of our agenda.

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